Money: blackbird, woodpecker, Rhine or Seine? ECB chooses themes for new euro banknotes

ECB selects themes for new euro banknotes

The central bank has selected seven possible themes for the new euro banknotes, including rivers and birds. Now she wants to question the citizens.

11/07/2023 | by Jan Mallien

Christine Lagarde © Bloomberg

It offers a questionnaire on its website until the end of August, and has also commissioned a research institute to conduct a survey. “Our single currency and our common European identity are inextricably linked,” said ECB President Christine Lagarde. This should be the guiding principle of the new banknote series.

“We want people in Europe to identify with the design of the euro banknotes.” That’s why citizens would be involved in choosing the new theme.

In the past, Lagarde has criticized the fact that euro banknotes so far feature buildings that do not actually exist. As a result, the personal connection isn’t immediately clear to many.

The seven themes now selected start from different stories and ideas. The Governing Council intends to select a theme from the 2024 proposals. The central bank then develops the motives for the new euro banknotes.

Birds as a symbol of unrestricted mobility

The rationale for the proposals states that birds are a symbol of unrestricted mobility. They remembered that humans share the continent with all forms of life. Hands told about work, age and history. Rivers cross borders in Europe and connect people and nature. European culture, in turn, reinforces the continent’s identity and brings its peoples together.

The ECB cites freedom, equality, the rule of law and human rights as examples of European values. According to the ECB, the theme “the future belongs to you” represents the “unlimited potential of Europeans”. The motto “Our Europe, ourselves” is about, among other things, the freedom, values ​​and openness of people in Europe.

In December 2021, the ECB started a process to redesign the banknotes. Central banks develop new banknotes regularly to make counterfeiters’ job harder. The ECB also wants to reduce the environmental impact. For example, beads should have a longer shelf life.

However, it will still be a few years before people get their hands on the new banknotes. After the theme is chosen by the Governing Council, there is a design competition. Citizens should then be asked again for their opinion. The central bank is expected to make a decision on the future design and timing of production and issuance of the new banknotes in 2026.

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