Moni Ovadia to La7: “Netanyahu wants to make the Palestinians disappear, the USA bears a very big responsibility because they could have acted earlier”

Moni Ovadia to La7 Netanyahu wants to make the Palestinians

Netanyahu doesn't want peacehe just wants to reduce them to small bantustans Palestinians And let them disappear as a people, because he violated all international resolutions. AND Americans have a very big responsibility in this sense, because if we had acted earlier we would not be in this situation. In addition to the enormous tragedy for the Palestinian people, to whom I am very close, this will be another Catastrophe for Israel, because Zionism shows its complete failure“. It is the words that are spoken to coffe break (La7) from Moni OvadiaHe commented on Netanyahu's absolute refusal to accept international dictates for a permanent solution with the Palestinians and his opposition to recognizing the state of Palestine.

Also read La7 | From FQ.

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“Netanyahu comes from the formations of right-wing revisionist Zionism – explains Ovadia – It is the true face of Zionism and as such it has never wanted to recognize the Palestinians as a people Nakba of 1948when 750,000 Palestinians were expelled from their land and homes and around 500 Palestinian villages were destroyed in an operation I refer to as “…” ethnic cleansing. But here there are those who are blown up for words and in the meantime thousands of children die in pieces. Netanyahu keeps referring to terrorism, but We really need to find out who the terrorist is“.
And he adds: “In West Bank But there is no Hamas 800,000 Israeli settlers who stole everything from the Palestinians. Netanyahu's words are just talk, he does not recognize the Palestinians, so much so that his government's ministers planned to attack them an artificial island“.