Montrealers despair over the condition of their apartment building

Montrealers despair over the condition of their apartment building –

Renters in Montreal complain about the numerous problems in their apartment building, while the owner blames the residents.

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The building at Parc Extension on Outremont Avenue is in a deplorable condition due to the unsanitary conditions in the building.

The residents complain about the presence of cockroaches, mice and bed bugs, but also the way the owner communicates.

The latter would have sent a letter to certain tenants with the lowest rents, estimated at $400 per month, assuring that it was only their fault if the accommodation was unsanitary.

The spokesman for the group of disgruntled citizens denounces the climate of fear that tenants have to contend with.

“An apartment with cockroaches for $750 a month is a lot of money in my opinion […] I saw problems with the windows, I saw problems with the plumbing, I saw problems with vermin, not only with cockroaches but also with mice,” says Mathurin Vacher in an interview with TVA Nouvelles.

“We would then have to check with the other tenants so they can provide their receipts, but from what I’ve heard, I’m not the only one having problems in this building.”

TVA News

Residents of this disadvantaged area of ​​the metropolis also complain about problems with stoves and the occasional lack of hot water in certain residential units in winter.

The services of the Parc-Extension Action Committee (CAPE) were used by tenants when their resources were exhausted.

Together with our journalist, the owner says he is doing everything he can to improve the situation of the tenants.

*See explanations in the video above*