Mood in sight! No faux pas for Leo. Tomorrow’s horoscope, Thursday, April 20

Blackbeard horoscope for tomorrow, Thursday, April 20th Aries. 21.3.-20.4. You have many dreams in your drawer. It is not possible to do them all. Make a choice, also considering the economic investment required. In finance today you are on horseback. Despite generous spending, the economy appears to be holding up well. Bull. 21.4.-20.5. The lunar sextile in Saturn supports good luck and puts your mind at ease about the projects you create, so no uncertainties! Although Pluto assumes some uncertainty, you receive validation and approval from those close to you. Twins. 21.5.-21.6. It’s a busy season of great news. Try to manage the desire for change with energy and common sense to turn it in your favor. If you replace lamentation with trust, everything will appear in a different light, promising for its clarity. Cancer. 22/6 – 22/7 Imbued with well-being and a touch of euphoria, today you face life with a smile on your lips thanks to the White Lady in Taurus. If you’ve recently neglected friends and family, you can make up for it with phone calls, visits, and small gifts. Lion. 23/7 – 23/8 Bad mood in sight! No missteps in your business: You risk going on a collision course, especially with employees and business partners. Family relations are cordial. Even if there is something to say about the couple, jealousy clouds your vision. Virgo. 24.8.-22.9. With the support of Mars drawing a sextile, the Moon will show you its most calming side. Projects designed with distant people. Any renovation work on the house, which is rather expensive, promises excellent results. Balance. 23.9. – 22.10. Thursday relatively monotonous, except for some good news regarding an inheritance dispute, a repayment, the mortgage on the house. Fascinating encounters question your more or less proven loyalty. Check yourself! Scorpio. 23.10. – 22.11. A bit of disruption from the Moon in Taurus, but a pinch of calm and availability makes everything easier. Sympathy is not your forte today. On the other hand, smart as foxes, you will get a good deal. Protect. 23.11. – 21.12. Quiet atmosphere. Taking care of cleaning the house, garden or engaging in a long-neglected hobby gives you serenity. You may have to forgo a trip or turn down an invitation because of an urgent assignment. Capricorn. 22.12. – 20.1. Positive professional consolidations. Reassured by a stable economic situation, you can afford to be optimistic about new projects. Love is lived day by day. They are fascinated by all kinds of adventures, even the most transgressive. Aquarium. 21.1.-19.2. Whether it’s because you’re down or because the White Lady in Taurus always has the power to irritate you, the fact is you come across as sluggish and grumpy. Small domestic problems to deal with, seasoned with impatience, which of course complicates the situation. Fish. 20.2.-20.3. Lunar harmony in Saturn with a touch of wind drives away any bad mood. The future looks bright and serenity an achievable goal. A friend gives the sweetheart wise advice. Building projects for those intending to start a family