More money for heating replacement and renovations NO

More money for heating replacement and renovations NÖ

Environment and Climate

From January 2024 there will be more money for heating replacement and thermal renewal. In the future, an average of 75% of the costs of a new heating system will be replaced by federal and state subsidies.

02.01.2024 18.52

Online since today, 6:52 pm

To replace a gas heater there was previously a fixed fee of 7,500 euros plus a “gas exit” bonus of 2,000 euros. From 2024, technology-specific fixed grants will be applied to better reflect the different investment costs of different heating systems. This means: the higher the investment costs for a climate-friendly heating system, the greater the financing.

This brings 2024

Until January 4th, will inform you in two daily articles about the news coming in 2024.

Anyone who connects their single- or two-family home to local or district heating receives a flat fee of 15,000 euros; if you install a heating system using pellets or wood chips, you receive 18,000 euros and if you install a water-water or brine system. water heat pump, receive 23 thousand euros. In multi-storey residential buildings, depending on the heating system, there is up to 45,000 euros of basic federal funding plus 4,000 euros per residential unit for centralization of the heating system. Previously, the base financing was 15 thousand euros and the financing per residential unit was 3 thousand euros.

In addition, there are surcharges of 1,200 euros for single- and two-family houses and multi-storey residential buildings when switching from gas stoves to electric stoves. For drilling a geothermal probe when installing a heat pump, there is a subsidy of 5,000 euros and a solar bonus of 2,500 euros for the simultaneous installation of a solar thermal system and replacement of the heating system.

If you have a low income, 100% financing

For people on lower incomes, heating system replacement costs are covered up to 100 percent. Previously, the regulation only applied to people with incomes of less than two tenths. The income limit for 100 percent financing of a single-person household is a monthly net income of 1,904 euros (twelve times). For a multi-person household, the income limit increases by a factor of 0.5 for each additional adult and 0.3 for each additional child.

In addition to heating replacement, subsidies for thermal renovation will also increase significantly from 2024. In the future, single- and two-family homes will receive up to 42 thousand euros for a full renovation, up from just 14 thousand euros. In multi-storey residential buildings, the maximum financing will increase from 100 euros to 300 euros per square meter. In addition to federal funding, you can also apply for corresponding federal state grants.