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More than 30 refugees die in boat accident in southern Italy

Some children are among the dead. The overcrowded boat hit the rocks because of the strong waves. 50 people can be rescued, the search continues.

A new tragedy unfolded on a beach in the port city of Crotone, in the Calabria region of southern Italy: at least 33 bodies, including many children, were recovered by the coastguard who intervened to rescue the ailing boat. 27 bodies washed up on the beach. More dead were retrieved from the water. The search for the missing continues and is hampered by the strong waves.

The overloaded fishing boat, which was likely carrying more than 250 people from Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan, failed in rough seas and crashed into rocks just meters from shore. It broke in two. 50 fleeing people could be rescued. Patrol boats are busy at sea looking for survivors. Police and Carabinieri, as well as Red Cross officials, also rushed to the crash site. The casualty balance may increase. Around 50 survivors were also found on the beach.

Italian Interior Minister: “Great tragedy”

The accident caused great consternation in Italy. Italian Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi spoke of an “enormous tragedy”. It is now important to continue efforts to stop the outflow of migrants from North Africa. “It is absolutely necessary to combat the phenomenon of illegal immigration. There are unscrupulous human traffickers who, in order to get rich, organize improvised trips with boats that are unsuitable for sailing and in unacceptable conditions”, lamented the Minister of the Interior.

The president of the Italian Red Cross, Rosario Valastro, called for more action by the authorities to prevent such tragedies. “Our team is working on treating the survivors and recovering the bodies,” said Valastro.

Thousands of refugees have died in boat accidents

Every year, thousands of migrants try to reach Italy and therefore Europe from North Africa, often on inaccessible boats. Serious accidents happen again and again. According to the Italian Ministry of the Interior, 13,067 migrants entered the country by sea as of Thursday this year, more than double the same period last year (5,273). Thousands of people have died in shipwrecks in recent years.

A new law by the right-wing government of Giorgia Meloni, which passed the Senate last week, is also making the job of civilian sea rescuers more difficult. However, most migrants arrive in Italy on their own ships and boats.