1683825998 More than 300 stings six killed by killer bees World

More than 300 stings six killed by killer bees World |

All 45 occupants survived the bus crash in Nicaragua, but the killer bees attacked the passengers. Six lost their lives in the process.

At least six people died after a bus accident in the municipality of San Sebastian de Yali, Nicaragua. The victims would be among the approximately 45 passengers on board a bus that fell off a cliff for reasons still unknown and crashed into a coffee plantation in the northwest of the Central American country, where African bees are kept.

More than 300 points

Although the bus was damaged after falling more than 160 meters from the road, medics attributed the victims’ deaths to insect bites. It is not without reason that the African bee is colloquially called the “killer bee”. Some of the passengers had more than 300 points, television station TN8 reported.

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Six people (8, 19, 32, 38, 47, 84) died from stings at the crash site, and another 14 had to be treated for bee stings at a hospital, including a four-year-old child, according to the “New York Post”. After the accident, local residents tried to help the passengers on the bus, but the large number of African bees prevented rescue until emergency services arrived.

the african bee

Colloquially, the African bee is also known as the “killer bee”. It is a western bee hybrid and is generally more aggressive than its uncrossed counterparts. It also responds more quickly to disturbances and chases humans further than other bee species. Their victims have 10 times more stings than European bees.

African bees were imported to Brazil in 1956 to increase honey production there. But the following year, some swarms disappeared from the hive along with their queens and multiplied with the European bees.

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