More than 600 in financial aid in Miami Cuba Directory

More than $600 in financial aid in Miami Cuba Directory

Do you live in Miami? You should know that if you meet some requirements, you can earn more than $600 in financial aid. Great Christmas and New Year gift! We'll tell you.

According to local media, eligible Miami-Dade residents will receive an unexpected gift in the middle of the holiday season. This is a generous check received thanks to the Save Our Seniors program, in which an additional $18 million was invested.

More than 36,000 residents of the county have benefited from this program, which has provided them with significant relief.

One of the beneficiaries, Miriam Escar, was very grateful when she received the check. “This is a big help because everything is very expensive now. I thanked him a lot because it's really appreciated, you know, it's a good help,” he said enthusiastically.

Relief checks for elderly residents in Miami: more than $600!

Miami-Dade Mayor Daniela Levine Cava announced the checks this year would be larger than the usual $100. Recipients will receive a whopping sum of $617. This amount, which comes from the home assistance fund, is intended to provide financial relief for older residents who meet certain requirements.

To access this increased one-time payment, you must be over 65, own a home, and have an annual salary of less than $35,000. The mayor emphasized that this benefit is only valid for this year due to the difficulties that many have faced.

Levine Cava explained that funding for this program comes from a variety of sources, such as construction costs, home values ​​and taxes. “We know that receiving a larger check would be a huge relief, especially this year,” he said.

The recipients were very happy and many said that this unexpected gift was like a surprise from Santa Claus. If you have any questions or concerns about the Save Our Seniors Homeowner Relief Fund, please call 3-1-1.

According to the media, this gesture of solidarity shows the Miami-Dade community's commitment to its elderly residents.