Lecco, December 12, 2023 – Stalking and slander: These are the allegations Morgan, born Marco Castoldi. The singer-songwriter, He recently made headlines about his departure from The X FactorHe is facing trial in the Lecco court: He is said to have harassed and defamed his ex, a 32-year-old musician. She was followed with messages on social media profiles and addressed with vulgar phrases.
The two had started a relationship that was broken off in the first lockdown, But Morgan wouldn't have accepted the ex's decisionwho was then living in Merate in the province of Lecco.
The 32-year-old reported it, the Monza public prosecutor's office opened a file and, at the end of the investigation, demanded that Morgan be brought to justice. The investigating judge sent the documents to the Lecco public prosecutor's office, which obtained the indictment from the Gup. The trial began today before the single judge of the Court of Lecco, Martina Beggio, with the prosecution supported by the prosecutor Giulia Angeleri.
Morgan had already reconstructed the relationship during the investigation, starting from the friendship born in 2013then the beginning of the relationship shortened in 2020. From that moment on, the artist reported, The young woman would have blocked any kind of contact, including on WhatsApp. According to defense attorneys, “Morgan therefore cannot have committed a crime of stalking.” The civil party, supported by lawyer Maria Nirta, reiterated that there was no possibility of mediation. Hearing at the end of February.
In the past few days, the former Bluvertigo singer was completely acquitted of tax fraud charges in Monza.