Morphine instead of oxygen and children to spread Covid the

Morphine instead of oxygen and children to spread Covid: the document that accuses Sweden

The muchvaunted approach that the Sweden had against the Pandemic As well as being a failure, Covid19 has cost thousands of lives and macroscopic errors by the health authorities who are now being heavily accused. A very detailed report published in the journal Nature reveals how the Swedish population was kept in the dark about even the most basic rules and how some patients were treated without asking the treating doctor or even the family for permission. An unimaginable medical anarchy has ensued for a civilized nation such as that with Stockholm as its capital.

“Huge human cost to society”

The authors of the study recalled that Sweden has always taken the approach of leaving activities, offices and everything open so as not to block the economy and not restrict trade and freedom of citizens. “This Swedish laissezfaire strategy had a lot to offer human cost for Swedish society and several studies have shown that the human costs in Sweden would have been significantly lower if stricter measures had been implemented without a more harmful impact on the economy, “explain scientists from the Universities of Belgium, Sweden and Norway. The management of the pandemic had been entrusted to the Health Department, which did not base its advice on scientific evidence, but “on prejudices on influenza pandemics and herd immunity, relying mainly on a small advisory group with a narrow disciplinary focus and too limited expertise,” the report said.

Between lies and false treatments

It sounds unbelievable, but this health authority never did it informed Swedish citizens on the transmission of Covid, on the fact that asymptomatic people are still contagious and on the importance of masks and how to use them. Nothing at all. The most active will have checked out the international media and seen what happened in other parts of Europe, but this cannot be a normal explanation. And then, even worse, was the treatment of Covidpositive patients, especially the most severe ones. “A lot of older people got it morphine instead of oxygen, despite the supplies available, effectively end their lives, we read in Nature “Many officials continued to deny any responsibility and there was limited public outcry in Sweden when this came out, with the general narrative being that those in nursing homes will die soon anyway,” say the scientists.

The crazy strategy on children

Sweden was ranked last out of 14 European countries for accessibility to critical care, and there must be a reason. Among the macroscopic horrors, then, is the denial that i children could infect or develop serious illnesses: indeed, as scientists say, the Public Health Agency’s internal emails “suggested its aim of using children to spread the infection throughout society.” So they knew it, but they preferred to circulate the virus to immunize people, thus killing the most vulnerable but also the healthiest part. Without criteria, so some information supported by the same agency, according to which “the coronavirus infection in nursing homes may have been spread by staff with little knowledge of the Swedish language”, “we have a larger spread due to the larger immigrant population”, “Foreigners only get sick”, “only people who look like tourists wear face masks in public,” says the Corriere.

The “shadow management”

This study highlighted the complete lack of transparency of the Swedish authorities: it is even reported of “secrecy, coverup and handling of data”. The Swedish Board of Work Environment and State Epidemiology even deleted the emails requested by journalists to unlawfully eliminate evidence of wrongdoing. The verdict following these tests is unappealable for the policy pursued by Sweden in the two years of Pandemic causing “several structural problems in Swedish society, at the political and legal levels, in the health service, in the official media and in the bureaucracy, with decentralization, lack of accountability and independence and the refusal to provide accurate and complete information to the public as recurring problems at different levels,” concludes the report.