Moscow: “Right to self defense even with nuclear weapons” ANSA news agency

“Russia will be torn apart if it stops the special operation without a win. If the United States stops supplying arms to the Kiev regime, the war will end,” said Medvedev, deputy secretary of the Russian Security Council, as quoted by RIA Novosti.

“If the United States wants Russia defeated, then it will we have the right to defend ourselves with any weapon, including nuclear weapons: It is clear to all reasonable forces that if the United States wants Russia defeated, we are on the brink of a global conflict.

Today The Duma will begin examining the law suspending Russia’s participation in the New Beginnings Treaty. The State Duma committees on foreign affairs and defense have recommended passing a law suspending Russia’s accession to the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START). This was announced by Presidents Leonid Slutsky and Andrei Kartapolov, quoted by RIA Novosti. The initiative was presented to the lower house of the Federal Assembly by President Vladimir Putin. The document will be examined by the Federation Council today. In his speech yesterday, Putin announced the suspension of Moscow’s participation in the treaty and stressed that Russia is not withdrawing from the agreement.

ANSA agency

“Our existence is at stake. Moscow wanted a peaceful solution in Ukraine to avoid military intervention, but the West was “playing the wrong cards to fool us.” : “We know how to be friends.” The answer from the USA (ANSA)

Meanwhile, CNN reports Russia has conducted a test of an ICBM – SARMAT nicknamed Satan II – which appears to have failed on Monday, at the time when President Joe Biden was about to arrive in Ukraine, according to two US officials close to the dossier. CNN reports it. Russia informed the United States in advance of the launch about the conflict resolution lines. Another official said the test poses no risk to the US and is not considered an escalation. President Putin did not mention the launch in his speech yesterday. The SARMAT carries nuclear warheads.

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