Most French people do not expect any changes with the

Most French people do not expect any changes with the new Prime Minister

According to the poll conducted by Elabe for the BFM television channel, in which a thousand voters took part, six out of ten respondents rule out a change of method or style in the appointment of the 34-year-old politician. On Tuesday he replaced Élisabeth Borne. He became the youngest head of the Matignon Palace in the Fifth Republic (since 1958).

However, a not insignificant 41 percent reacted positively to the appointment of Attal, whose government was announced last night, with the retention of heavyweights and a turn to the right, mainly due to the assumption of the position of culture chief by the conservative Rachida Dati, former justice minister Nicolas Sarkozy.

When Borne took over the management of Matignon in May 2022, 36 percent of French people celebrated the appointment.

Also noteworthy is the fact that three out of ten people surveyed by Elabe were “indifferent” to Attal’s inauguration.

Macron opted for a “regeneration” by appointing the former education minister – a maneuver criticized by the left and the far right and greeted with caution by conservatives.

The head of state is expected to launch an intervention early next week to explain to the country his plans for the new government, which will face challenges such as the lack of an absolute majority in the National Assembly and the European elections in June and the Games . Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris-2024 in summer.
