Mother and baby die after pest control in neighboring apartment

Mother and baby die after pest control in neighboring apartment

A woman named Adele Ruiz and her son, a twomonthold baby, died after a neighbor hired a company to carry out pest control in the apartment. The case occurred last Sunday (January 21) in Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic.

According to local media, the cause of death was toxic substances inhaled by the mother and child. The pest control would have been carried out in Adele's family's upstairs apartment by a private company not licensed in the country.

Pest control was carried out on Friday (19/1) and shortly afterwards the four members of Adele's family began to suffer from stomach problems, headaches and vomiting.

They sought medical help, but the woman and baby did not survive. The couple's husband and eldest son are still in the hospital. The person responsible for the pest control has been arrested and the incident is under investigation.

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