1695266793 Mother of the late Diana quotI thought one bottle was

Mother of the late Diana: "I thought one bottle was enough"

Diana Pifferi, 18 months old, was left home alone for six days while her mother visited her boyfriend. The child died.

Alessia Pifferi has been in Milan court since Tuesday: the 37-year-old woman is accused of the deliberate murder of her 18-month-old daughter Diana. Pifferi left his son to starve to death in July last year. Little Diana spent six agonizing summer days alone in the apartment while her mother traveled to Leffe, northeast of Bergamo, to visit her then-boyfriend.

On the first day of the trial, the accused mother explained that she had left Diana alone in the past. “Very few times,” Pifferi said in court. “I thought the bottle of milk I left for her was enough.” The fact that she lied to her neighbor by saying that she had entrusted Diana to a nanny was due to the shock of the moment.

“I didn’t kill her”

Pifferi describes herself as a good mother. “They’re trying to make me say I killed Diana. But I didn’t kill her.” According to Pifferi, she washed her daughter, changed her diaper, fed her and went to the doctor when she felt sick. It was her ex-partner who encouraged her to leave Diana alone at home.

The mother then talks about the day she discovered Diana lifeless in her bed. The daughter didn’t move, the diaper was next to her head. “So I picked her up and held her under the tap to see if she would recover. I gave her a heart massage and called my neighbor because I was panicking. The baby wasn’t a good color.” The neighbor alerted emergency services.

Prison is “not a nice place”

Since then, she has lived “very poorly”, explains Pifferi. She misses her daughter, she says. The prison where she has been held for more than 14 months is “not a nice place”. If she could go back to that tragic day, “I definitely wouldn’t do it again.”

The defendant has “the IQ of a seven-year-old girl” and suffers from “a very serious mental disability”, highlights the defendant’s lawyer. A child was given responsibility for a child.

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