1672213862 Mountain cave death rescue to be on TV quothuge thingquot

Mountain cave death rescue to be on TV "huge thing"

Eight years after the spectacular rescue operation in the Bavarian cave of Riesending, Servus TV is showing the feature film “Riesending” on Wednesday.

Life itself writes the craziest stories: On Pentecost Sunday 2014, cave explorer Johann Westhauser, called Josef Häberle (Roland Silbernagl) in the film, had an accident and received a life-threatening head injury.

At that time, he was at a depth of over 1,000 meters in the tortuous tunnel system of the Riesending Cave in Untersberg on the Bavarian-Austrian border. Two friends stayed with him trying to keep him alive, another managed to reach the surface with a fearless climbing run and alerted the mountain rescue. So began the dramatic race against time, because few specialists in the world are able to penetrate so quickly and deeply into a cave.

happy ending

The international caving community helped. The focus: Salzburg cave climber Birgit Eberharter (Verena Altenberger). The result is known: the rescue operation was successful, Westhauser, i.e. Häberle, survived. A real happy ending, just like in the script.

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