Mozart the American company that challenges Putin the role of

Mozart, the American company that challenges Putin: the role of Italy QuiFinanza

The war in Ukraine shows the whole world the cruelty made by the army of Wladimir Putin at the expense of Ukrainian people, one of all the massacres of civilians in the city of Bucha. But everyone conflict it also brings a lot of accompanying stories, anecdotes, life situations which would hardly be made public if they were not included in a war context.

Such is the case with the western volunteers of the Mozartthe western militia deployed against the russian militia wagner. This is the story of one private company founded by a former Colonel of the Marines after the invasion of Kremlin last on February 24th.

Andrew Milburn, former US colonel who fights with the Ukrainian resistance

The main character is Andrew Milburnborn in Hong Kong, grew up in London and followed suit United States to serve and eventually become in the ranks of the army colonel. He stayed there for 31 years and even took part in the campaign to fold him Islamic State in Iraq. Here he has been coordinating since 2015, e.g western task force: among the participating military also i Italian parà by Col Moschinwho he would try to recruit again in the last few weeks.

After this experience, he left – at least officially – the uniform in the summer of 2019. But now it seems to have found one new flag fight for that Ukraine. The Navy has been moving for about a month Kyiv and he is one of the many foreigners in the international legion. they arrived former soldiersbut also people without experience and armed only with courage.

The deployment of troops in Ukraine and the problem of invaders

The authorities coordinated by Volodymyr Zelenskyy First they opened the doors, then they opened them ajar and proceeded to one selection more specifically, whoever has Skills and avoid surprises: there is a serious risk that there may be intruders To fly and the danger of involving inappropriate people is always around the corner.

At this point it is Milburn founds the Mozart and he does so because he is aware that he has a crucial issue to attend to Resistance war on Ukraine: the training of local troopsproved heroic and brave in rejecting the Russian offensivewho are still unable to work in an organized and functional manner.

So the former general adds an integration to what you did Advisor Americans, Canadians, Poles and Lithuanians as of 2015. In several interviews Milburn He explained what are the main duties of his men Americans and British: shooting techniques for snipersneutralization of artillery improvised, tacticssafe movements, emergency department.

The Role of the US and the European Union: Are Italian Soldiers in Mozart?

The former Marine denies any links to Washington and states that the battalion is funded by private donors: It is a formal distinction that allows us to use American citizens after the President Joe Biden had said that i US soldiers They would not have been used on the Ukrainian territory.

The use of the Legion of Mozart it is flexible: it can participate clashes, ensure the safety of the personality, train, monitor. For its members also a major role in other countries: It took place in Syriain Libyain Central Africa and now in Ukrainewhere would they be at least a thousand. Among them, they don’t seem to exist at the moment European citizensbut the contacts of Millburn with several soldiers from the old continent (including the Italian parà by Col Moschin) do not completely exclude their participation.