Munhoz and Mariano are sued by the fans father

Munhoz and Mariano are sued by the fan’s father

The lawsuit alleges that the duo offered whiskey to a teenager during a concert in Porto Murtinho

Munhoz and Mariano during a show in Campo Grande.  (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)Munhoz and Mariano during a show in Campo Grande. (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

Country duo from Mato Grosso do Sul Munhoz and Mariano are being sued for allegedly offering alcohol to a 15yearold teenager during a show in Porto Murtinho, a town 439 kilometers from Campo Grande.

In the documents, the young man’s father demands from the singers compensation of R$ 500,000 for moral damage in the episode that allegedly took place on June 14 of this year. According to the original lawsuit, during the musicians’ performance there was a dance competition in which whoever danced best won a prize. The treat was described as “pure whiskey” that was poured directly into the minor’s mouth.

Due to the situation, the young man’s father tried to enter the stage, but security guards prevented him from entering. At one point, the youngest fell to the ground, completely unconscious, only managing to mumble a few random words.

During the rescue, it turned out that the teenager was in an acute alcoholic state. Since then, the minor’s lawyers have claimed that the family has received no support from the duo and that they “do not care about the situation and the harm they have caused the young man.”

In a statement to the press, the duo’s lawyers, Douglas de Oliveira and Pedro Vale, reported that the story was untrue. “The young man was already drinking alcohol and only went on stage because he appeared to be of legal age.”

Finally, a conciliation hearing was scheduled by the TJMS (Mato Grosso do Sul Court). The procedural motion is scheduled for November 24 and must take place via video conference.

Check out the young man’s video circulating on social media: