Muschio Selvaggio Mr Marra Fedez has a special character but

Muschio Selvaggio, Mr. Marra: “Fedez has a special character, but he and Chiara are not monsters”

“The problem with Chiara, whether you like it or not, is a personal matter. It's certainly a difficult time for Federico, regardless of recent news events. They are not two monsters, but two parents who love their children more than anything.” The speaker is Mr. Marra, pseudonym of Davide Marra, podcaster and singer, who, together with Fedez, replaced Luis Sal as the co-host of Muschio Selvaggio last May , after the dispute between the two is far from resolved. Just in the last few days, as a precautionary measure, a judge decided to freeze Fedez's shares until the final decision. “I heard Sal months ago when I started and it seemed right to me as I personally respect the work of others,” Marra told MowMag, “We haven't spoken again for obvious reasons.” The succession to him was a gigantic one Challenge: I had to replace a beloved and respected influencer and had also harshly criticized Schamiso Selvaggio's management. So it wasn't easy to take over a management that you have heavily criticized because the public is ready to attack you.” And he doesn't hide behind humility: “I knew I could do it because I knew that I'm the best at my job.” I wanted to pay respect to Federico and Luis' project and give it a completely different twist.

The relationship with Fedez

In the interview, Mr. Marra also spoke about his relationship with Fedez at a difficult moment for the rapper and his family. “Fedez, I won't deny that, has a somewhat special character. He is impulsive, a person with a heart, but who reacts “from his gut”. “I often disagree with what he says and does,” Marra admitted, then talked about his colleague’s numerous arguments with his friends. His relationships are simply overexposed and therefore everything is always magnified. And then it is very difficult to argue with me. He always behaved impeccably towards me, he was never arrogant and always very humble. And if we fight, it's not the end of the world. We all change and as a result the world around us changes too.” A thought also on Fedez's family situation: “From what I've seen, the love for her children is truly limitless. I am outraged at those who have insinuated during this time that they would use it to divert attention. It may also be true that they want to protect themselves from this shitstorm and I personally don't agree with the excessive exposure, but they really are two loving parents. The problem with Chiara is a personal problem, it is certainly a difficult time for Federico.

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