Music Critic from Billboard, VICE and More Fucks New Metallica Fans With “Guide” Got More Records Than Friends!

James Hetfield with Metallica at S&M2 in 2019

Photo by James Hetfield via Shutterstock

With the recent increase in popularity that the Metallica wins after appearing in stranger thingsmany people take the opportunity to also talk about the acclaimed band.

the music critic Dan Özziwho has worked for major outlets like VICE, Noisey, Billboard and more, took things a little more sarcastically, shall we say, when making a comment aimed at new fans of the group James Hetifield.

In your Twitter accountHe wrote:

Hello ‘Zoomers’ who are discovering Metallica because of ‘Stranger Things’. Here are some things you need to know about the band. First of all, their best album St. Wut…

Following the impact of the joke, which has already received more than 42,600 likes, is Ozzi, the book’s author SELLOUT: The big label fed Frenzy that swept punk, emo and hardcore (19942007)returned to the social network and explained:

Oh my god, there are a lot of people in the answers who don’t understand that this is a joke! (The joke is that the band’s standout work is actually their 2011 collaboration with Lou Reed).

For those no longer following Metallica, it should be noted that the albums cited by the music critic are considered by staunch fans to be some of the worst albums ever released by the band.

So much St Furyeighth studio album released in 2003 as lulua 2011 collaboration between the band and the legendary singersongwriter Lou Reedare works that, to put it mildly, did not go down very well with the public.

Metallica in Stranger Things

Though Metallica’s appearance in the hit Netflix series has angered some longtime fans, the group has been quite open to new members of the “Metallica family.”

We shared with you yesterday the loving message the band shared on their TikTok account to welcome their newest admirers. More here.

The band’s impact came after Metallica’s 1986 classic Master of Puppets incorporated an epic scene from Stranger Things. As of this Thursday (7), the song ranked 12th on the Spotify Top 50 Worldwide.

Oh jeez, a lot of people in the answers don’t understand that this is A JOKE! (The joke is that the band’s standout work is actually their 2011 collaboration with Lou Reed)

— Dan Ozzi (@danozzi) July 6, 2022


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