1695981985 My experience with abortion as a doctor

My experience with abortion as a doctor

My experience with abortion as a doctor

Paradoxes of life, on World Contraception Day my practice received four applications for abortion. Beyond speeches from seats or pulpits, I will talk about my daily work, a trench unknown to most.

I will not dwell on moral or religious dilemmas, but rather talk about realities.

When a woman comes to me because she does not want to continue her pregnancy, in the privacy of the consultation we open the door to her universe of circumstances, where I can experience dramas that destroy my normality, pregnant without wanting it, because of her Partner uses them as unfeeling objects or simply because ignorance makes them targets.

Although the statistics about women being raped are shocking, after evaluating possible abuse, this is not the most common reason for seeking an abortion in our department.

In a minority of women, the contraceptive method fails due to diarrhea, drug interactions, or forgetfulness, causing the ovaries to awaken from their lethargy and cause discomfort.

Many people know a woman whose IUD failed, and in the 11 years I’ve been here, there has only been one case where the copper device and the pregnancy were seen on the ultrasound, 1 in 100, and it was her turn ; Another story would be that the gods were driven away without realizing it, or that the copper gods descended.

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So far I haven’t experienced any surprises when it comes to hormonal disorders.

Nothing is infallible unless we think about long distance relationships or chastity, but these do not come to consult me.

Incredibly, there are people who consider reversing as their seatbelt until they come with a delay in their menstruation.

Most of the interruptions I deal with have involved no method other than luck; No natural control, no condom, and when it rains you get wet if you don’t have an umbrella.

Many say they went out with a raincoat but got drunk despite all the information available.

I find it strange that only a minority request an assessment by a psychologist.

There is no limit to the number of abortions that can be performed on the same woman. Therefore, we just have to warn them about the risks and try to improve our advice to prevent them from coming back for the same thing.

Fortunately, the cases that repeat themselves are a minority, although they stand out in my field (the number of users can be a deciding factor).

The arm implant is considered the safest method, although like all the others it is not free from secondary problems and surpasses in its effectiveness the vasectomy, which has recently been demanded by more men, perhaps armed with courage thanks to Marvel, although it is still a minority is. compared to requests for a tubal ligation (a more complicated procedure requiring hospitalization).

I don’t like the testosterone atmosphere that exists with cowardice in the face of local operations that usually last less than lunch.

Here in the Valencian Community, a large part of the pills, injections and vaginal rings are financed, while the devices and implants are free.

Although it is unusual, there are people who ask me about natural methods, but most mothers, fathers, aunts or grandmothers who bring their teenagers to me are desperately hoping that they will take “something” there so that their girls don’t stay Pregnant women assuming that they will not use condoms in their relationships with their “stable” partners for a month.

False safety precautions against other sexually transmitted diseases include [Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual] Because of the papilloma vaccine and the lack of sex education, it’s scary to see how we have the playground, and it’s not just about wayward teenagers whose partners have a psychological allergy to condoms, the 4 interruptions I received were easily over 20, so let’s not blame the youth.

Our units are a reference for sexual and reproductive health in this country, a showcase for so many different lives and guarantees of rights that would be unthinkable elsewhere.

We live in times of irresponsibility, neglect and ignorance, in a poorly understood sexuality centered on intercourse and the lack of self-determination of too many, and yet we will continue to work for a world where all women have fun without hitting rocks ​​to push away.

The doctor Monica Molner works in the Malvarrosa Sexual and Reproductive Health Department, Valencia.