1700738109 Mylene Mackay A search for tenderness towards oneself

Mylene Mackay | A search for tenderness towards oneself | –

Published yesterday at 8:00 am.


“Being disappointed/I couldn’t/the casting/for that,” writes Mylène Mackay in “My heart Hung on Your Cardboard Walls,” the story of a woman who wishes she could stop playing the same roles, either on a large scale or not on a grand scale The small screen, but within the four walls of the bedrooms of narcissistic men to whom she offers her heart and who butchered it back to her.

The 36-year-old actress (Nelly, Sam, Before the Crash), daughter of the poet and gardener Yves Gagnon, has known since childhood that poetry belongs to everyone. But it was his meeting with writer and editor Marilyse Hamelin before his participation in the “15 Short Essays on Love” collective that gave him the courage to take action, even though that act was “intimidating and intimidating.” [de] vulnerable”.

I walked into a bookstore on Rue Masson last week, saw my book and said to myself “Ah my God!” I quickly came out feeling completely naked. What I have done here?

Mylene Mackay

There is much intimacy in this verse story about the excitements and disillusions of an incurable romantic who gradually realizes that the dizziness of the drunken sex is not worth tomorrow’s suffering. The disillusioned people are disillusioned. “Delicacy is so rare that it is poetry,” writes the woman, who also sees “something committed, political” in these fragments, sublimated by Geneviève Boivin-Roussy’s drawings of dismembered bodies.

“It is the story of a woman who finds her light and her voice after losing them for too long. As my editor says, it is a search for tenderness towards oneself,” underlines the author, who confesses with a shy laugh that she is now cured of this kind of love that hurts. “I built myself another house. »

Mylène Mackay mourns the closure of the publishing house L’Écrou, which shaped the landscape of Quebec literature with its poetry that favors striking formulas over convolutions, and strives to write without inhibitions. Like the authors she admires, including the author she played in Anne Émond’s feature film Nelly Arcan.

“Women like Nelly, like Marjolaine Beauchamp or Véronique Grenier say things without censorship,” she observes. You have access to a river of truth. They give me the strength not to compromise when writing. »

My heart was on your cardboard walls

My heart was on your cardboard walls

In total

80 pages