Myrta Merlino quotI39m sick I39m full of antibioticsquot Bassetti39s reaction

Myrta Merlino: "I'm sick, I'm full of antibiotics". Bassetti's reaction

We talk about flu on Pomeriggio 5 and the presenter Myrta Merlinduring the January 4th episode, presents the service this way: “Today we begin with a topic that affects us all: the flu. In Italy it is a massacre… Numbers that have not been seen for 15 years.” Then Merlino reveals that she is also sick: “I too am full of antibiotics…” And again she says: “Me had this.” Cough, sore throat, cold. I took the swab and didn't have it Covid, but I filled up on medication and came to work…”

Immediately after the live broadcast of this statement, the moderator asks the professor Matteo Bassetti which has to do with whether his behavior was right or not: “We shouldn’t do this right? Because the flu can be just as dangerous as Covid…” And the director of the infectious diseases clinic at the Sanmartino Hospital in Genoa rebukes them, saying that it is absolutely wrong to treat the flu in this way: “Definitely no…”.

Read also: Influenza, Bassetti's alarm: “Impressive incidence”

Professor Bassetti therefore wanted to give the numerous viewers who followed the program valuable advice on how to act in the best possible way in the event of illness: “Antibiotics should not be used and if symptoms occur, anti-inflammatory drugs should be taken…”. In short, Merlino did everything wrong…

Also read: Matteo Bassetti, the outburst: “Rude Italians, they still haven’t understood”