Nagorno Karabakh ceasefire after 32 dead and 2000 evacuees

Nagorno Karabakh, ceasefire after 32 dead and 2,000 evacuees

Nagorno Karabakh ceasefire after 32 dead and 2000 evacuees

After a day of bombing MountainKarabakh, the separatists of the Armenian enclave announce their surrender. L’Military operation launched on Tuesday September 19th byAzerbaijan The conflict with the self-proclaimed Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh ended with the ceasefire Baku on Wednesday morning also thanks to the mediation of the Russian peacekeepers active in the country. The authorities of the ethnic minority living in Azerbaijan announced that “an agreement has been reached on the withdrawal of the remaining units and soldiers of the Armenian Armed Forces and above.” Dissolution and complete disarmament the armed formations of the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army”.

The Prime Minister from Armenia Nikol Pashinish warns that although hostilities have decreased in intensity, they have not yet completely ceased. In an appeal to the population of the separatist region last night, the Azerbaijani presidency said that “the illegal regime Armenian must disband, otherwise anti-terrorist operations will continue to the end.” During what Baku described as an “anti-terrorist” operation to combat Armenian forces in the disputed region CaucasusThe Ministry of Defense had guaranteed that it had only hit military targets. The images that come from it Stepanakertthe enclave’s self-proclaimed capital, but show severe damage to civilian residential areas.

According to the government YerevanAt least they would be 32 confirmed victims and 200 injured. Including several civilians. According to the Russian authorities, the peacekeepers present on site have already been evacuated more than 2,000 peopleamong them 1049 minors. Since the start of the military operation, Baku had guaranteed the activation of humanitarian corridors, including one towards Armenia. Some of the tension in the area was caused by an Azerbaijani checkpoint in the corridor Lachinthe only connection with Armenia, which led to the interruption of the supply of basic needs to Armenians in Azerbaijan last April.

A few hours after the ceasefire, the Kremlin spokesman said: Dmitri PeskovIn an interview on Canale 1 television, he noted that Nagorno-Karabakh “an internal matter of Azerbaijan” and Baku troops “operating on their territory” legally. On Wednesday afternoon, a contingent of Russian peacekeepers came under small arms fire while returning from an observation post in the village area Jana day. Moscow has not yet identified those responsible, but Russian President Vladimir said in a meeting with the head of Chinese diplomacy, Wang Yi, In the capital, he expressed the hope that the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh would develop in a “peaceful direction”. Diplomatic efforts also on the part ofItalywith the Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani who proposed a solution “modeled on.”South-Tirol” for the administration of the Caucasus region under the control of Baku, where they reside 120,000 citizens of Armenian descent. Azerbaijan, for its part, said the foreign policy assistant to the Azerbaijani president, Hikmet HajiyevHe said he was “for it Normalization of relations with Armenia

Meanwhile, the work continues Protests in Yerevan, after a group of protesters attempted to attack the government building to denounce Armenia’s failure to intervene in defense of its Nagorno-Karabakh comrades. Prime Minister Pashinian was accused by protesters of being a “traitor” and on the morning of Wednesday, September 20th a Thousands of demonstrators gathered outside the government building after it was announced that the separatists had agreed to lay down their weapons. The Pashin government has made this clear not to have been involved in the drafting of the agreement for the ceasefire, adding that Yerevan has not stationed troops in the region since 2021. Pashinian has been repeatedly criticized for his handling of tensions in Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia’s rapprochement conditions Unitedan element that has led several analysts to hypothesize that the current government will abandon the Armenian cause in the future in exchange for diplomatic support Washington.