Nanny Carla and the Clean Challenge Big Brother VIP

Nanny Carla and the Clean Challenge Big Brother VIP

For Tata Carla the time has come to take action.

After gathering all the competitors in the hall, the nanny exclaims, “We have to finish cleaning the house by tonight,” and before beginning this mission, invites the VIPs to split into two teams.

The first group consists of jael, Nikita, Oriana, Dan, Andrew, Antonella, Albert, Attilius, Onestini and David and these are tasked with polishing the floors, sofas and windows of the apartment. The second, however, is formed by Sarah, Luke, Tavassi, Anthony, George, micol, Edward, Milena and Nicole: You have to take care of the decor of the kitchen, bathroom and beauty area.

Everything is ready and the participants, equipped with vacuum cleaners, cleaning materials and a lot of willpower, start cleaning this afternoon. Will they be able to polish and perfume the whole house?

Everyone has more or less set to work renovating the house under the watchful eye of Nanny Carla.

It’s time for the two teams to listen to Tata’s harsh judgment and find out which of the two teams was busier: “I would have thought to give an ex aequo because both teams are busy,” Nanny Carla begins contentedly with everyone’s work.

Despite this, there was someone who slacked off too much and who, due to his laziness, also punished his team: it is Edward Tavassi.

“But I cleaned the yard,” Tavassi replies. The justifications of the VIP are worthless and – according to the unyielding judgment of Tata Carla, Team A consisting of Alberto, Nikita, Luca Onestini, Oriana, Dana, Andrea, Giaele, Davide and Attilio wins the coveted prize: the Golden bedspread.