Nanny of Virginia’s daughter responds to Evaristo Costa: “Unnecessary” Splash

Carina Costa, the nanny of Maria Alice, daughter of Virgínia Fonseca and Zé Felipe, countered Evaristo Costa’s comment.

“I was very annoyed by the unnecessary comment! In this video it is clear that she is [Maria Alice] I just wanted to get off the vaccine,” he wrote.

She criticized the former moderator of Jornal Hoje. “He’s not here every day watching Mali yell ‘mama’, take mama’s hand and put her in the car to take her for a little ride, run to mama’s lap when she knows we’re going upstairs to sleep, to sit on Mama’s calluses, among other things, when she has breakfast”.

Better think before you talk about people you don’t even know and have no contact with. On the internet we only see what people want to show us and not what it really is in everyday life

Carina praised Virginia: “Only criticize those who cannot do the same or better. You are an incredible mother, a spectacular mother and you know it […] Don’t let the things underneath get you down.”

Story of Carina Costa, Maria Alice’s nanny Photo: Reproduction/Instagram Story of Carina Costa, Maria Alice’s nanny Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

How was the controversy with Virgínia and Zé Felipe?

The journalist explained that “Mother is the one who creates” after the influencer posted a video of her daughter crying to get a vaccine. In the pictures, Maria Alice chooses the nanny’s lap.

Outrageously, Zé Felipe called the former presenter “lazy” and told him to “put it in your pocket*”. “For heaven’s sake, Evaristo, take it in the c*, baggy. A lot of people want to talk shit. Behind the internet, we’re getting a big, baggy kid.

Virginia appeared crying and said that Evaristo made his day “shit”.

The influencer’s mother also countered the former moderator’s speech, who ended up apologizing. “I come from peace, do not argue where there is no controversy. I could say so much about raising children, but my lawyers are on vacation right now. If anyone feels offended, I’m here to apologize,” he wrote on Instagram Stories.

Despite the apology, Zé Felipe knocked on Evaristo in response. The song criticizes the journalist’s professionalism and gives high praise to Virgínia, mentioning that today is her birthday.