Napolis treatment of Osimhen is absurd a companys capital is

Napoli’s treatment of Osimhen is absurd: a company’s capital is human capital ilNapolista IlNapolista

He received the treatment of an illegal immigrant, a “vu cumpra,” all within and under the guise of a corporate culture

Napoli's treatment of Osimhen is absurd: a company's capital is human capital

When I started dealing with human resources matters, Engineer P. was an important person in my company. His task was to predict the development of costs, especially personnel costs. And that was the personnel back then: simply a cost factor that had to be contained as much as possible (if not even reduced). Over time, personnel became a resource (Human Resources, remember?) and, after further development, the real capital of the company (Human Capital), something that cannot be asked for and received in a bank (unlike capital, which is understood as money).

Today we no longer talk about employees as capital, but as stakeholders in the company. Talent attracts other talents (Talent Calls Talent), strengthens and expands the corporate brand, creates goodwill and, as a result, expects a share in the economic result through various forms of compensation (shares, stock options, bonuses). Retaining and motivating talent is now the main task of every company managerand this applies in all latitudes and in all companies, even in small/medium-sized companies like SSC Napoli.

This simple consideration would be enough to make Napoli’s elimination against Victor Osimhen, who was mocked on social media for missing the penalty, inexplicable. It is surprising (but to some extent) that a large proportion of commentators and fans were offended by the footballer’s reaction and saw themselves as the victim of a “naughty child”, a “brat” for the money he earns , transformed should just shut up and score tons of goals. There is no shortage of conspiracy theories (he did it to create a case, he doesn’t want to renew, he wants to leave). If this is also true, it must be admitted that the help we gave him was extremely effective.

But the biggest disappointment has been reading authoritative commentators “explaining” to those who don’t know that TikTok is made for gaming and having fun.
Which is a bold and anachronistic comparison between the post, also written by Napoli, in which Kvara licks ice cream while music plays in the background (or other benevolent banter) and the post comparing a black player to a coconut. A player who, as far as I know, often travels to London, a cosmopolitan city and the kingdom of a Premier League where no one would think of doing something like that.

Unlike human capital, here we are dealing with an asset as we are used to treating an illegal immigrant, a vu cumpra’, and all this within and under the guise of a corporate culture that humiliates another talent by called the news “bullshit.” about a possible upward revision to his contract, which is one of the lowest-paying on the entire team. Anything to keep costs down: Engineer P. would be happy about it.