quotNaturequot ChatGPT is among the top 10 researchers of the

"Nature": ChatGPT is among the top 10 researchers of the year futurezone.at

AI-powered chatbot has dominated news and science. Additionally, 10 other people were still listed.

Every year the scientific magazine “Nature” presents a top Top 10 researchers of the year. This time, for the first time, someone who is not human is found there: the AI-supported ChatGPT chatbot. “ChatGPT has dominated the news this year and its influence is being felt across science – and society,” said Richard Monastersky, editor-in-chief of Nature.

Since there are 10 people listed alongside, this year is actually a top 11. The decision was made to include ChatGPT “to honor the profound way in which generative artificial intelligence is changing the development and progress of science,” Monastersky said. A post in Nature said of ChatGPT: “It has co-authorship of scientific articles – sometimes secretly. He prepared drafts for presentations, grant and course proposals, created computer code, and served as a sounding board for research ideas.”

“Stimulates people’s imagination”

At the same time, however, ChatGPT also invented references and facts and spewed hate speech. “But most of all, he stimulated people’s imagination.” It was also said that it was not yet clear what possibilities would result from ChatGPT-type systems in the future. “But the The generative AI revolution has begun. And there's no going back.”

Nature also highlighted that several researchers on the list were part of teams, meaning they achieved important milestones together with others. The specialized magazine is one of the experts who shaped science in 2023 Kalpana Kalahasti, deputy project manager of Mission “Chandrayaan-3” the Indian Space Agency. The probe was India's first successful landing on the Moon in August.

➤ Read more: Indian probe successfully landed on the Moon

Nuclear fusion researcher in the top 10

The physique was also taken into consideration Annie Kritcher, senior project engineer at the US National Ignition Facility. It was possible there for the first time in early December 2022 Nuclear fusion to extract more energy than was put directly into it via laser.

See more information: Nuclear fusion in a can: breakthrough achieved in inertial fusion

First time To produce mouse pups from cells from two male micethe team of developmental biologists managed Katsuhiko Hayashi from Osaka University, Japan. For mice with two biological fathers, skin cells from the male animals were converted into eggs that were fertilized with sperm from other males.

OpenAI Chief Scientist Also Honored

As a pioneer of artificial intelligence Ilya Sutskeverthe company's chief scientist OpenAI, included in the “Nature” list. He played a central role in the development of ChatGPT and the language models on which the chatbot is based.

The doctor can also be found in the list Halidou Redwhich is carrying out clinical trials in Burkina Faso for the approval of a malaria vaccine directed, the Londoner Cancer researcher Thomas Powleswhose team has advanced the treatment of certain types of cancer, and the biochemist Svetlana Moysovwho played a crucial role in the discovery of the hormone GLP-1, the new Anti-obesity medications underlying.

Nature also took into account a researcher who helped discover errors in a seemingly surprising result: the physical James Hamlin from the University of Florida, which pointed out inconsistencies in a study presented in early 2023 Superconductivity at room temperature. The study has since been withdrawn.

Also 2 female politicians on the list

Two women who do not do research were also included in the top 10: Brazil's Minister of the Environment Marina Silva for measures against Deforestation in the Amazon like this Eleni Myrivilithat in the United Nations countries are preparing to destructive effects of climate change supports.

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