1708103930 Navalny died in prison had been detained since January 2021

Navalny died in prison, had been detained since January 2021 News

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has died in prison.

Navalny, 47, died in the Arctic prison colony where he was serving a 19-year sentence, according to a statement from Russia's Federal Penitentiary Service. “Navalny felt unwell after the walk and almost immediately lost consciousness. Medical personnel arrived immediately and an ambulance was called. Resuscitation measures were performed but did not produce positive results. Paramedics confirmed the death of the convict. The causes of death are being determined,” the statement said. He had been detained since January 2021.

The Kremlin considers the allegations made by Western countries against Moscow over the death of Alexei Navalny in prison to be “completely unacceptable.” “There are no statements from doctors, no information from forensic experts, no definitive information from the Federal Penitentiary Service, no information about the cause of death, and we have these statements, absolutely scandalous,” spokesman Dmitry Peskov was quoted as saying by Russian state media.

Joe Biden He will speak about the death of Alexei Navalny at the White House at 12 p.m. (6 p.m. in Italy). The American presidency is making this known

The Russian opponent Navalny died of “a blood clot”, a thrombosis. This is reported by Russian television Russia Today, citing one of its sources.

The Moscow prosecutor's office warned against taking part in a demonstration in memory of Navalny in the center of the capital. This was reported by the Tass agency.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov claims that Putin was informed about the death of Russian opponent Alexei Navalny. but didn't know the cause of death. This was reported by the Interfax and Tass agencies.

Navalny's wife Putin knows that he will be punished

Alexei Navalny's wife, Yulia Borisovna, spoke from the podium at the Munich Security Conference and said, among other things, that if the news of her husband's death was true, Russian President Vladimir Putin and other Russian officials should know that “they will be punished.” for what they did.

Mother Navalny: I don't want to hear condolences, she was fine

“I don’t want to hear condolences. We saw my son in the penal colony on the 12th, we had visitors. He was alive, healthy, cheerful.” Alexei Navalny's mother, Lyudmila Ivanovna Navalnaya, said this on social media, according to Novaya Gazeta.

Doctors “try to revive him for 30 minutes”

Doctors' attempts to revive Alexei Navalny lasted 30 minutes before he was pronounced dead. The local hospital told the Interfax agency, adding that an ambulance arrived on the scene within seven minutes, but prison health workers were already attempting resuscitation.

Video Navalny at one of his last appearances: “Vote against Putin”

Zelensky: “Navalny killed, Putin must be held accountable”

“Navalny was killed” and Putin must “account for his crimes.” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said this at a press conference in Berlin. “Putin always kills. He is the personification of this war and it will not stop. We can only stop him together,” Zelensky added.

Learn more Navalny died in prison had been detained since January 2021 US gives green light to Ukrainian training on F 16.ico ANSA Navalny agency, reactions from around the world. Von der Leyen: “His death reminds us who Putin is” – World – Ansa.it Tajani, a voice of freedom is lost. Scholz, probably paid for his courage (ANSA)

Moscow: “The West has ready-made conclusions”

“The immediate reaction of NATO leaders to Navalny’s death in the form of direct accusations against Russia” shows the nature of these countries. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote this on Telegram. “There is no forensic investigation yet, but the West's conclusions are already available,” the spokeswoman added.

Learn more 1708103918 572 Navalny died in prison had been detained since January 2021 US gives green light to Ukrainian training on F 16.ico ANSA Navalny Agency on Valentine's Day to his wife, I feel like you are close – News – Ansa.it (ANSA)

Right-hander Navalny 3 days ago: “He is not afraid for his life”

In a video conference from abroad with a group of European diplomats in Moscow three days ago, Alexei Navalny's right-hand man Leonid Volkov said that the opponent was “in a surprisingly good psychophysical condition” and was not afraid for his life, so that you “feel safe” . A diplomatic source who attended the meeting told ANSA.

Learn more 1708103920 244 Navalny died in prison had been detained since January 2021 US gives green light to Ukrainian training on F 16.ico ANSA Agency video with latest images of Navalny on February 15, he was in good condition – World – Ansa.it His connection appears online during a hearing (ANSA)

President of Latvia: “Navalny was killed by the Kremlin”

“Whatever you think about Alexei Navalny as a politician, he was just brutally murdered by the Kremlin. This is a fact and something that should be known about the true nature of the current Russian regime. My condolences go out to his family and friends.” This was written by the President of Latvia, Edgars Rinkevics, in a tweet.

Navalny's latest message: “Punished for 15 days”

“Iamal prison decided to break Vladimir's record in order to flatter and please the Moscow authorities. They just gave me 15 days in a punishment cell. That means this is the fourth punishment cell they have in less than two months.” This is the last message from Alexei Navalny on Platform X from February 14 at 3 p.m.

Russian dissident's spokesman: “We still have no direct news”

Kira Yarmysh, Alexei Navalny's spokeswoman, said she had not yet received direct news of the opponent's death. “The Federal Penitentiary Service of the Yamal-Nenets District – wrote Yarmysh about the city near the internment camp, editor's note. Red.). As soon as we have information, we will communicate it.”

This was the 27th time he had been placed in solitary confinement

The Russian dissident and opponent Alexei Navalny had been locked up in a punishment cell again, for the 27th time since August 2022: his spokeswoman Kira Yarmish announced this, as the online newspaper Meduza reported at the end of the 15 days due to the isolation inflicted on him Navalny will have spent 308 days in a cramped punishment cell in the last year and a half. And the official reason for the punishment is unclear. The opponent, who was in prison for political reasons, denounced several serious ill-treatments during these three years of imprisonment and that he was constantly under the most absurd pretexts, such as that he had or had washed his face a little before the appointed time Locked in an isolation cell, a button was open. A situation already highlighted by Amnesty International, which accused the management of the Melehovo prison, where the dissident was previously imprisoned, of wanting to “break Navalny's spirit by making his existence in the penal colony unbearable, humiliating and dehumanizing.” . For most of December, Navalny's whereabouts were unknown. On December 6, his staff reported that they had lost contact with him, and on December 11, his spokeswoman announced that, according to the Melekhovo detention center, the dissident was no longer there. It was only at the end of the month that the authorities announced that Navalny had been transferred to the remote penal colony of the special regime “Polar Wolf” beyond the Arctic Circle.

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