Nearly 109000 asylum seekers last year

Nearly 109,000 asylum seekers last year

01/30/2023 05:48 (act. 01/30/2023 05:50)

Federal and state governments demanded high asylum numbers

Federal and state governments required high asylum numbers ©APA/BARBARA GINDL

In the previous year, almost 109,000 asylum applications were filed in Austria, specifically 108,781. In 2021 there were just over 39,900 registrations. In statistics released by the Ministry of the Interior immediately after the elections in Lower Austria, India ranks second (19,504) among countries of origin, behind Afghanistan (24,241), followed by Syria (19,150), Tunisia (12,667), Morocco (8,471) and Pakistan (7,643). ) and Turkey (5,132).

With the exception of Afghanistan and Syria, asylum seekers from these countries are unlikely to receive protection status. The Interior Ministry points out that the number of asylum seekers from these countries has dropped to zero since the end of the visa-free regime for Tunisia and India.

In total, there were 78,796 legally negative asylum decisions in 2022. In addition, more than 41,000 people escaped the procedure and left Austria again on their own. This means that although they formally filed an application after being arrested, they (illegally) proceeded to their actual target countries. This also explains why the strong increase in asylum requests cannot be read in the basic offer.

As the Ministry of the Interior emphasizes, several measures, such as stronger controls, have already had an effect. In January, therefore, there were fewer requests than in the same month of the previous year. There were no figures in the transmission.

According to the Ministry, the recognition rate is currently only 15.6%. In addition, procedures are being carried out more quickly: last year they lasted only 3.5 months.