Netanyahu quotHamas like ISIS must be destroyedquot LIVE Italian agency

Netanyahu: "Hamas, like ISIS, must be destroyed" [LIVE] Italian agency

AGI – The latest news from Thursday, October 12, on the war between Israel and Hamas, in real time

The live broadcast

4:40 p.m. Media, missile defense sirens in Ashkelon and Ashdod – Missile defense sirens are wailing in Ashkelon, Ashdod and the areas bordering the Gaza Strip in southern Israel. Haaretz writes it

4:14 p.m. Min. Health, 1,417 deaths in Gaza, including 417 minors – The number of Palestinian deaths caused by Israeli bombs in the Gaza Strip continues to rise: at least according to the latest statistics from the Palestinian Health Minister, which speak of 1,417 deaths, including 447 children, 248 women and 10 health workers. In the West Bank, 31 people were killed and over 600 injured.

4:11 p.m. Jerusalem Post confirms beheaded children, photos confirmed – The Jerusalem Post confirms, based on verified photos of the bodies, that reports of children being burned and beheaded during the Hamas attack on Kfar Aza are accurate. The online newspaper writes it. The photos were shown to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken during his visit to Israel.

3:32 p.m. Stoltenberg: “In war there are rules; “Protect civilians” – “Given the evolution of the conflict” in the Middle East, “it is important to protect civilians and this has been clearly expressed by the allies. In war there are rules and there is a demand for proportionality: this was emphasized by many allies, just as they clearly condemned the brutal terrorist attack by Hamas. This was stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in the press conference at the end of the meeting with the Alliance defense ministers.

3:20 p.m. Israel, attacks to eliminate Hamas leadership in Gaza – Israel’s military strike against Hamas is focused on “eliminating” the Islamic group’s senior leaders in the Gaza Strip, including its leader Yahya Sinwar. This was said by Israeli army spokesman Richard Hecht.

3:15 p.m. Ministry of Health: 1,417 victims in Gaza, 6,000 injured – The death toll from the Gaza Strip raids has risen to 1,417 and the number of injured to over 6,000. This was announced by the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

2:41 p.m. Attack on Israel, Iranian plane heading to Damascus changes course: An Iranian plane en route to Damascus and carrying – according to some journalistic sources – the Tehran regime’s foreign minister, returned to the Iranian capital after the attacks on the international airports of Damascus and Aleppo. This was reported by Haaretz, citing FlightRadar data. The Syrian government accuses the Israeli Air Force of carrying out simultaneous attacks on Damascus and Aleppo airports.

1:43 p.m. Hamas: “No humanitarian corridor, it would be a permanent exodus” – Hamas, the Islamist organization that controls Gaza and has been at war with Israel for six days, has rejected Egypt’s proposal to open a humanitarian corridor because – explained a source – “this would force the Palestinian people to abandon their own “Leaving the homeland” would mean a new exodus and the search for refuge.

1:37 p.m. Blinken, 25 Americans murdered by Hamas – US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that the number of US citizens killed in the Hamas terrorist attack is at least 25 people

1:32 p.m. Israel, at least 97 identified hostages in the hands of Hamas – The Israeli army has confirmed that 97 compatriots have been identified as hostages in the hands of the Palestinian movement Hamas. An army spokesman said this, adding that their families had been informed.

1:31 p.m. TV Syria, Israel attacks Aleppo and Damascus – Israeli raids on Damascus and Aleppo airports, Syrian state television reports. Pro-government radio station Sham FM reports that Syrian air defenses are under attack near Damascus airport.

1:26 p.m. Blinken, Hamas does not represent Palestinian aspirations – Hamas does not represent the “legitimate aspirations” of the Palestinians. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said this in a press statement after meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

1:24 p.m. Netanyahu, Hamas must be “smashed” like ISIS – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to dismantle Hamas and urged the world to treat Islamist militants the same way it treats ISIS. “Just as ISIS was crushed, Hamas will also be crushed. And Hamas should be treated the same way ISIS was treated,” Netanyahu said.

1:12 p.m. Paris, the number of dead French citizens rises to 12 – The number of French people killed in Israel since Saturday rises to 12, the Paris Foreign Ministry announced.

1:08 p.m. Rafah officially opened, but it is impossible to leave Gaza – The Egyptian Rafah border crossing with the Gaza Strip remains open: this was announced by the Egyptian Foreign Ministry. But at the moment it is effectively impossible to leave Gaza.
The border between Israel and Gaza is actually closed and the Israeli Navy currently controls the coast, so leaving by boat is not a viable option.

12.40 p.m. Media: “Israel cuts off electricity to Palestinian prisoners” – Israel has cut off electricity to around 5,000 Palestinians held in its prisons. This is reported by the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, which cites official sources from the Jewish state.

12.31 p.m. Paris, “several special flights” tomorrow and Saturday – Several special flights will be organized between Israel and France tomorrow and Saturday to allow French citizens who have not yet found a commercial flight to return home, the Foreign Ministry said.

12:25 p.m. Egypt proposes a buffer zone near the border, not Israel – Egyptian authorities have proposed a temporary buffer zone in the Gaza Strip near the Egyptian border in Rafah for displaced people fleeing intense Israeli bombardment. An offer Israel has reportedly rejected, Egyptian security sources said.

(Read more live here)

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