Netanyahu meets Blinken Dismantle Hamas like ISIS Israeli raid on

Netanyahu meets Blinken: “Dismantle Hamas like ISIS.” Israeli raid on airports in Syria News

2:18 p.m


Blinken: “Hamas only wants to kill Jews and Israel”

“Hamas has no interest in the Palestinian people, it does not represent its future, its only goal is to destroy Israel and kill the Jews. Israel has the right to defend itself and ensure that this does not happen,” said US Secretary of State Antony Blinken at a press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv. “We democracies defend the same values ​​even in the face of terror,” he added.

1:26 p.m

Syrian television reports raids on the airports in Damascus and Aleppo

Syrian state television reports on Israeli raids on airports in Damascus and Aleppo.

Video Israel, Netanyahu: “Every member of Hamas is a dead man”

1:06 p.m

Islamic Jihad promises to expand the fight beyond Gaza

“The fight will not be limited to the Gaza Strip. Other fronts will join soon.” This was stated in a new audio by Abu Hamza, spokesman for the Quds Brigades, the armed organization of Islamic Jihad, quoted by the Lebanese network Al Mayadeen. Abu Hamza addressed the resistance in the West Bank and called on the Jenin Brigade and the Lion’s Den, as well as all Palestinians present there, to take part in the fight against Israeli occupation. “We were just as prepared outside Palestine as we were inside,” he said. “The events in Gaza will be repeated on other fronts.”

1:05 p.m

Hamas fires 50 rockets at the settlement of Sderot

A rocket attack with 50 rockets was launched on the settlement of Sderot. The Al-Qassam Brigades announced this via Telegram.

12:21 p.m

Blinken to Netanyahu: “We are here, we will not let you down”

“We are here with you, we are not going anywhere.” With these words, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken greeted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the start of his meeting at the Defense Ministry in Jerusalem. In the video, Blinken can be heard repeatedly telling Netanyahu: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I express my condolences to the victims.” The Israeli prime minister thanks his American guest and repeatedly shakes his hand.

The Israeli prime minister thanked the US for its support in the fight against Hamas, which, Netanyahu said, “must be crushed like ISIS” and those who support it must be sanctioned.

The US Secretary of State said that Israel does not need to defend itself “as long as the US exists” and warned anyone who wants to take action against the Jewish state: “States and non-states, think about what to do in this situation. “, do not take action against Israel. We have aircraft carriers stationed in the Eastern Mediterranean and will provide further support,” he continued, “we will guarantee that men, women and children taken hostage can be released.”

12:18 p.m

Hamas confirms there are over 120 Israeli prisoners

Hamas confirmed that it has over 120 prisoners in its hands. This was reported by the Israeli television channel Kan, citing the spokesman for the Palestinian faction Abdel Latif Kanua.

12:16 p.m

Hamas, Gaza death toll rises to 1,354

According to official Hamas sources, the death toll in Gaza rises to 1,354.

11:49 a.m

Egypt is ready to open Rafah if Israel accepts a ceasefire

The Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip is expected to open for six hours this evening or tomorrow morning to allow Egyptian humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip, provided Israel agrees to a ceasefire. North Sinai Governorate spokesman Mohamed Selim told ANSA. The spokesman added that aid, currently suspended in the cities of al-Arish and Sheikh Zowaid in Sinai, was ready to leave for the Gaza Strip.


Two-way conversation between Blinken and Netanyahu

The meeting between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken took place at the Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv. After a face-to-face meeting, a statement said, Netanyahu and Blinken would make statements to the press. The meeting then continued with the participation of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and the two new ministers without portfolio in Israel’s new “emergency” government: Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot, both members of the centrist National Union party and both former chiefs of staff.

An American official reports that the US Secretary of State will meet King Abdyllah II in Jordan tomorrow


Iran: “The Islamic world must unite against Israel”

“Today, all Islamic and Arab countries and people who want freedom in the world must reach an agreement and work together to stop the crimes of the Zionist regime against the oppressed Palestinian nation,” the Iranian president said Ebrahim Raisi during a phone call with his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad, as Mehr reports. “Accordingly, the Islamic Republic of Iran will try to achieve this convergence as soon as possible by reaching out to Islamic countries,” Raisi added.

11:24 a.m

Israeli ambassador to Moscow: “We will not start a war against Iran”

“We will not start a war against Iran.” This was stated in a briefing by the Israeli ambassador to Moscow, Alexander Ben Zvi, quoted by Tass. “We will not start a war against Iran, but if anyone comes near our borders, there will definitely be a reaction,” the ambassador warned.


The army: “Let us destroy Hamas’ sovereignty in Gaza”

“We are preparing for the next phase of the war,” said military spokesman Daniel Hagari. “We are destroying Hamas’s ability to maintain its sovereignty and governance in Gaza.” According to Israel, there is now great confusion within Hamas’ ranks following the heavy bombings.

10:55 a.m

Cri: “Three out of five water systems in Gaza are out of order”

Three of Gaza’s five waterworks are out of operation due to shelling and a lack of fuel. This is supported by the International Committee of the Red Cross cited by Anadolu.

10:55 a.m

The risk around Gaza, between diplomacy and fragile balances

Stefano Polli’s analysis

Listen to “Gaza Risk, Diplomacy and the Fragile Balance of the New Geopolitics (by Stefano Polli)” on Spreaker.


Army, we know who was involved in the massacres, we will strike

Israel is reconstructing the identities of those involved in Saturday’s atrocities in Jewish villages near Gaza and assuring that they will be hit. Military spokesman Daniel Hagari announced this in a press conference. In this regard, he explained that a Hamas fighter named Mustafa Shahin, who was filmed committing brutal acts in one of Israel’s villages, had already died in the bombing of his house in Gaza. Hagari also warned Gazans not to extend hospitality to those who committed these atrocities, otherwise they too would be affected.

10:43 a.m

Raisi hears Assad: “No new regional order without Palestine”

“No new order at the regional level can be created without taking into account the rights of the Palestinians,” said Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a telephone conversation with his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad. During the meeting, the President of the Islamic Republic criticized the countries that have normalized relations with Israel. According to IRNA reports, Assad said that the resistance movement’s recent victories against the Zionists proved that Israel was much weaker than it appeared and underscored the need for a unified position in support of the Palestinians.

10:43 a.m

Army, Hamas brought ISIS flags

Hamas carried ISIS flags during the attack on the kibbutzim last Saturday. The military spokesman announced this and referred in particular to the Sufa kibbutz. Military spokesman Daniel Hagari said that “twelve terrorists were killed and 14 others captured” in a firefight on the edge of the Gaza demarcation line. Some of them carried ISIS flags, according to Hagari. “Hamas is like ISIS,” he repeated several times, also quoting US President Joe Biden’s statement on the subject.


Scholz attacks Abu Mazen: “His silence is shameful.” The Holocaust forces us to defend Israel forever.

“Where is the clear condemnation of terrorist violence by the (Palestinian) Authority and its President Mahmoud Abbas? I say: Your silence is shameful,” said Chancellor Olaf Scholz this morning in a “government statement” to the Berlin parliament, according to the text of his speech published by the federal government’s press office. “We have put our entire development cooperation with the Palestinian territories to the test,” added the Chancellor, confirming statements by a minister in his executive branch.

“In this dramatic situation, it would be irresponsible not to use all contacts that could be useful,” said Berlin. The German Chancellor said he was in “close contact” with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the Emir of Qatar, who will be received in Berlin today. “All three can play an important role in mediating and de-escalating the current situation.”

“The Federal Ministry of the Interior will ban Hamas from operating in Germany,” the Chancellor also announced.

“So far we have no concrete evidence,” said Scholz, “that Iran concretely and operationally supported this cowardly attack by Hamas.” But It is clear to all of us that without Iranian support in recent years, Hamas would not have been able to carry out these attacks unprecedented on Israeli territory.”

“Our history, our responsibility arising from the Holocaust – the German Chancellor also emphasized – places an ongoing duty on us to defend the existence and security of the State of Israel.” “At this moment there is only one place for Germany: the one that stands firmly on Israel’s side.” “Security” is “Germany’s raison d’être,” declared the Chancellor according to the wording of his speech, thereby confirming the statements of the past few days.

Video The Film of the Israeli-Palestinian Escalation – Day Five


Raisi and Mohammed bin Salman discuss Israel and Palestine

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi spoke to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman about the conflict in Israel and Palestine. “In the first telephone conversation between Ayatollah Raisi and His Highness Mohammed bin Salman, the two agreed on the need to end war crimes against Palestine. Islamic unity was emphasized and both believe that the crimes of the regime (Israel) and the Greens.” “The light given by the US will bring destructive insecurity for the regime and its supporters,” wrote Raisi’s deputy chief of staff for political affairs , Mohammad Jamshidi, about the phone call, as Irna reported. The phone call represents the first direct conversation between Raisi and Mohammed bin Salman. Tehran and Riyadh agreed to normalize relations in March after ties were broken for seven years.


Israel: “No electricity, water or gasoline in Gaza until hostages are released”

“No electricity, no water, no tankers will enter (Gaza) until the Israeli hostages return home”: This was stated by Israeli Energy Minister Israel Katz. “Humanity for the sake of humanity. And no one – added – he can. Teach us about morality.

Video Gaza in the dark, the only power plant is shut down


Popular Front leader killed in Gaza bombing

A member of the Central Committee of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine was killed today in an Israeli bomb attack in northern Gaza. Local sources in Gaza report that Awad al-Sultan is responsible for the organization Dossier of prisoners in Israel. According to sources, some members of his family were also killed with him.


Israel asks Germany for ammunition for warships

Israel asked Germany Ammunition for warships due to the Hamas terrorist attacks: German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said this this morning on the sidelines of a NATO meeting in Brussels, as the dpa writes. According to the German authorities, blood bags for transfusions and bulletproof vests were also requested. The demands would now be discussed with Israel, said Pistorius and declared: “We stand on the side of the Israelis.”


After Hamas attack, the death toll in Israel rises to 1,300

The death toll in Israel from the Hamas attack has reached 1,300, with about 3,300 injured, including 28 in critical condition and 350 in serious condition. The media reports about it.


US Secretary of State Blinken is expected in Israel today and will meet Netanyahu

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is expected in Israel today, where he will meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, government officials and President Isaac Herzog. According to media reports, Blinken will also witness the families of Israeli hostages being kidnapped by Hamas and taken to Gaza. According to the information, Blinken will also meet Palestinian President Abu Mazen tomorrow.


Missile warning sirens sound in central Israel

Warning sirens are now sounding in central Israel about rockets fired from Gaza. That’s what the army said. “The al-Qassam Brigades fired rockets into Tel Aviv in response to Israeli attacks on civilians in the Al-Shati and Jabalyia camps,” Hamas said in a message picked up by the media.


The Israeli army is stationing reservists in cities on the border with Lebanon

The Israeli army announced that it had stationed reservists along towns on the border with Lebanon. The move, it was explained, took place as part of the general reinforcement of troops in the northern part of the country following the tense situation with Hezbollah. “These forces, it was explained, carry out defensive tasks, including patrols and roadblocks, to ensure the safety of residents.” The night before the Hamas attack from the Gaza Strip, “there were some signals, but no major intelligence warnings.” This was said by army spokesman Daniel Hagari.


Palestinian sources, meeting between Blinken and Abu Mazen tomorrow

According to Palestinian sources, President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) will meet tomorrow with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is visiting the Middle East. “As part of the Palestinian leadership’s round-the-clock efforts to end this devastating war, and as part of the joint efforts between Jordan and Palestine, Abbas is meeting with King Abdullah in Amman today. Tomorrow the President will also meet with Minister American State Blinken,” wrote the Secretary General of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Hussein Al-Sheikh, on his X account today.


Israel calls on China to take a more balanced stance

China must take a “more balanced stance” in the conflict between Israel and Hamas. This was stated by Israeli Ambassador to Beijing Lirit Ben-Abba in an interview with Bloomberg TV, assuming that Zhai Jun, the Chinese envoy to the Middle East, would hold talks with the Israeli side today after phone calls on Tuesday and Wednesday lead had respectively with the Egyptian and Palestinian. “The Chinese special envoy will have a telephone conversation with the Israeli side,” said the diplomat, adding that Beijing could discuss the matter at the Foreign Ministry’s daily briefing today.


In Gaza, the number of Israeli attacks rises to 1,200 dead and 5,600 injured

The death toll in the Gaza Strip from Israeli bombings over the past six days has risen to at least 1,200 dead and around 5,600 injured, the Palestinian Health Ministry said today.


Israel’s nighttime raids in Gaza left over 50 dead and 280 injured

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, citing local media, at least 51 people died and another 281 were injured in Israeli army airstrikes on the Gaza Strip this evening.


According to the UN, the number of displaced people has risen to almost 339,000

According to the United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), almost 339,000 people were forced to leave their homes in the Gaza Strip due to the siege and bombardment by the Israeli army. The number of displaced people in the Palestinian territory of 2.3 million inhabitants as of last night “has increased by another 75,000 people, reaching 338,934,” the UN office said in a statement released today.