Netanyahu vs. Biden on Palestinian sovereignty in Gaza. Guterres: “The refusal of two states is unacceptable”

“The refusal to accept the two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians and the denial of the right to a state for the Palestinian people is unacceptable.”. This was announced by the Secretary General“UN Antonio Guterres at the closing ceremony of the 19th Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Kampala, Uganda. “This would indefinitely prolong the conflict that has become a serious threat to global peace and security, exacerbating polarization and emboldening extremists everywhere,” he stressed. “The right of the Palestinians to build their own state must be recognized by all.”

“Israel must maintain full control over the security of the Gaza Strip to ensure that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel, and this contradicts the Palestinian demand for sovereignty.”. This – according to the office of Netanyahu – the position reiterated by Benjamin Netanyahu in yesterday's conversation with Joe Biden. Netanyahu – the office added, citing reports that Netanyahu was not opposed to the two-state solution – “reiterated his consistent position for years,” he also announced at a press conference the day before meeting Biden.

Thousands against Netanyahu government in Tel Aviv: “Resign”

Thousands of people demonstrate in Tel Aviv in the heart of the city and demand the dissolution of the Knesset and the calling of new elections. “Benjamin Netanyahu’s government must go home” is one of the most recited slogans of the protests. “Give the mandate back. Whoever divides will not unite, whoever destroys will not build, whoever destroys will not create,” said Yonatan Shamriz, whose brother Alon, a hostage in Gaza, was mistakenly killed by the Gaza army. quoted by the media. . The demonstration was preceded by another demonstration held yesterday evening at the Prime Minister's House in Caesarea by the families of the abductees.

Iranian Guard leader killed in Israeli strike in Syria

The head of the Revolutionary Guards' intelligence agency, Iran's Ideological Army in Syria, his deputy and two other Iranians were killed in an Israeli attack on a building in Damascus, local Tehran media reported. “An attack by the Zionist regime killed the head of the Guardians intelligence agency in Syria and his deputy, as well as two other members of this force,” local Mehr news agency said.

The number of victims of the Israeli attack on Damascus rises to ten. “The death toll has risen to 10 after bodies still trapped under the rubble were recovered,” the head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rami Abdel Rahman, told AFP. The attack also killed the intelligence chief of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in Syria and his deputy.

Hamas: “Biden only has illusions about the Palestinian state”

“Selling the illusion that Biden is trying to talk about Palestinian statehood does not deceive our people.” Hamas representative Izzat al-Richiq said this on Telegram, rejecting the US president's claims about a Palestinian state. “Biden – he added – is a full partner in the war of genocide and our people do not expect anything good from him.”

Borrell: “Israel funded Hamas to weaken the Palestinian Authority”

“Hamas was funded by the Israeli government to weaken the Palestinian Authority.” This is a passage from the speech that the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell gave yesterday in Valladolid, where he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the university became. Words from Borrell that, according to the European press, are destined to spark a new controversy about the High Representative and his positions on the war in the Middle East. “The only solution is to create two states that share the land they have been dying for for 100 years,” Borrell stressed in the Iberian city, pointing to the possibility that the solution would be “imposed from outside.”

Hamas: “Death toll in Gaza rises to 24,927”

The death toll in Gaza has risen to 24,927 since Israel began attacking the Gaza Strip on October 7 in response to attacks by Hamas militants: Hamas' Health Ministry reported this, emphasizing that in the last 24 hours at least 165 people were killed while 62,388 people were injured since the start of the war.

Israel drops leaflets with photos of hostages south of Gaza

The Israeli army dropped thousands of leaflets with photos of hostages still in captivity in the southern Gaza Strip. Media reported that the leaflets urged residents to provide information about the whereabouts of hostages held by terrorist groups and to offer rewards.

Wafa: “Dozens dead in Gaza due to Israeli bombings”

The Wafa news agency reported that “dozens of Palestinians, including women and children, were killed and others injured in a volley of Israeli artillery attacks on Gaza.” According to the same source, “a number of houses, residential buildings and apartments, as well as public and private properties, were hit and severely damaged.” The areas are near Khan Yunis in the south of the Gaza Strip.

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