Netanyahu39s anger after the conversation with Biden No to the

Netanyahu's anger after the conversation with Biden: “No to the dictates”. And Egypt is building a wall

The tension is now so great that one of the two even resorts to harsh insults. They can't get along with Joe Biden and Joe Biden Benjamin Netanyahu. The US President and the Israeli Prime Minister had a telephone conversation lasting about 40 minutes yesterday – another recent one. During the phone call, Biden again warned Netanyahu of the negative consequences that a possible military offensive by the Jewish state in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip could have not only on bilateral relations, but also on attempts to build peace and restore stability to the Palestinian community in the region is looking for a state.

According to the tenant of the White House, Israel's priority should be to prepare a “credible and implementable plan” that ensures the safety of Palestinian civilians. National security spokesman John Kirby addressed the US line shared by Canada, New Zealand and Australia in a joint statement. An attack on Rafah, the US official explains, would be a “catastrophe” for the population on the border with Egypt, as they would otherwise have no place to go.

An undiplomatic reaction from the Israeli Prime Minister, who wrote a message on social media on the night of Thursday to Friday to underline his opposition to what he called “Pressure to accept a Palestinian state“That his country will not suffer.” “My positions – he commented to X Netanyahu – can be summarized in the following two sentences: Israel categorically rejects international dictates regarding a permanent agreement with the Palestinians. Such an agreement can only be reached through direct negotiations between the parties without preconditions.”

Tel Aviv's resistance to Washington's conditions appears to be ongoing, even given the failed outcome of negotiations with Hamas. Yesterday the IDF soldiers took aim at the targetHospital in Nasser with the aim – according to spokesman Daniel Hagari – of finding the hostages. “Israel,” the head of government continues, “will continue to oppose the unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state. Such recognition after the October 7 massacre would be an enormous reward for unprecedented terrorism and would prevent any future peace agreement.”

Meanwhile, an indiscretion regarding a possible leak has leaked to the Wall Street Journal Wall on the border between Egypt and Israel. Some Egyptian officials and security analysts reportedly told the American newspaper that countermeasures Cairo plans to put into practice include building a 12km-long barrier in the Sinai Desert to respond to the exodus of Palestinian refugees. The fence, known as the “buffer zone,” could accommodate up to 100,000 people. This option is becoming more and more a reality as the hours pass, as the Israeli advance into Rafah can now begin.