An unexpected success. Released on Thursday, December 14, 2023, the series “Yû Yû Hakusho,” an adaptation of the manga of the same name, has secured a notable spot among the most-watched content on Netflix, according to the Flixpatrol website. Unknown to people not used to consuming Japanese anime, this saga in five 45-minute episodes was probably expected by subscribers to the video-on-demand service. So much so that this Saturday, December 16, 2023, it ranked second in the world top that brings together all the most watched series on the platform the day before. It's right behind “My Life with the Walter Boys” and in front of “Laden to the Limit”.
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Adaptation of a manga that has sold 75 million copies
This adventure saga, which is not recommended for under-16s, is an adaptation in the style of “One Piece,” whose series captured in real images was released on Netflix on August 31, 2023 and had great success upon release. This new manga, available on the video-on-demand service, is also a live-action reimagining of a '90s manga series.
It stars Yusuke Urameshi, one of the most famous heroes in shônen manga history. His favorite food is ramen, while his favorite weapon is his spirit gun. As a rebellious teenager, he must learn to use his new powers to save his own. Filmed in Japanese, the series is 100% Japanese.
ALSO READ: Netflix: This series, broadcast for six days, reaches the top of the French rankings ahead of “My Life with the Walter Boys”
With more than 75 million copies in circulation, Yû Yû Hakusho is one of the best-selling manga of all time. This is the work that the author Yoshihiro Togashi, who also created the Hunter x Hunter series, revealed to the general public.
First place in 20 territories
In addition to being in the top 3 most watched series, this new version of the cult manga also takes first place in the ranking of the 20 territories where Netflix is available. In France it rose straight to third place as the most-watched series.