1648688997 New again shorter quarantine less testing options the new

New again – shorter quarantine, less testing options: the new crown rules

The new Corona regulations have been in effect since the week before. Quarantine can be reduced and testing options are no longer available:


A political debate has erupted in Lower Austria over the new quarantine rules put forward by Health Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens). State Councilor Ulrike Königsberger-Ludwig (SPÖ) does not agree with this.

Unlike Vienna, they are implemented in Lower Austria – mainly because state lawyers fear problems otherwise. We had reported:

Lower Austria implements reduced quarantine – despite severe stomachache

After five “free” days

Norbert Nowotny:

Asked by virologist

This means that people who have tested positive can now end their quarantine from the fifth day onwards and go to work or shop if they have been symptom-free for 48 hours. Traffic restrictions apply to them. This means that they must wear a mask and cannot participate in leisure activities.

Free quarantine testing and traffic restrictions are still possible if the test is negative or the CT value is greater than 30.

Test Options:

There are many unanswered questions about the new testing strategy. In pharmacies and doctors, testing provision should really be history as of April 1st. Solutions are still being sought.

The provision of testing in pharmacies, doctors and in communities should be phased out

Change from April 1st

More open questions about corona testing strategy

health police

The president of the Chamber of Pharmacists, Pedro Gonda, emphasized the need to maintain the offer to NÖN: He explained that the elderly, in particular, can be tested in pharmacies that do not have a smartphone necessary for throat tests.

In any case, the throat tests are part of the strategy that – in addition to the official test streets – is maintained permanently. At Spar and McDonald’s you can still submit five tests per month starting April 1st. For those who need to gargle more often because they have contact with people at high risk, it should be possible to provide more samples.

As reported, the free rapid tests will be available in pharmacies from April 9th. Of the 120 communities that have operated test roads so far, some are considering continuing to fund them.