New air alerts are sounding across Ukraine

New air alerts are sounding across Ukraine

Russian army captures the Ukrainian city of Mariupol

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. Photo: Diario As.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced on Tuesday that 87,000 of the 300,000 soldiers recruited as part of the partial mobilization have been deployed to target areas in south-eastern Ukraine.

The defense minister said some 3,000 instructors, who had combat experience during the hostilities over Ukraine, trained the mobilized men, according to broadcaster Rossiya 24.

During the preparation, the main efforts were focused on field training, the ability to use communications, navigation and reconnaissance equipment, the minister noted.

The minister also pointed out that the training centers train combat vehicle and tank crews, artillerymen, snipers, drone specialists, electronic warfare and others.

Shoigu once again drew the attention of the commanders of the country’s military regions and the Northern Fleet to the need to use the units formed in conjunction with the troops already participating in the special military operation.

The head assured that comprehensive measures would be taken to avoid the deaths of Ukrainian citizens, Shoigú concluded.