New attack in Iraq against American troops

New attack in Iraq against American troops

A new drone strike targeted an Iraqi base hosting U.S. troops on Saturday, security sources in Iraq said. It is the fifth attack in four days targeting American and foreign troops in Iraq, where Iran-aligned armed factions threaten American interests as Washington backs Israel, the target of a deadly attack of unprecedented proportions carried out on October 7 by the The US government carried out the Islamist movement Hamas.

Saturday’s attack caused no deaths and was claimed on Telegram channels by a group called the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, which is linked to Shiite factions loyal to Iran. A “drone fell into Aïn al-Assad’s base” in western Iraq, where American troops and the international anti-jihadist coalition are stationed, a military source told AFP. An Iraqi woman who requested anonymity told AFP. The machine caused “no damage”. A second local security official spoke of “two drones”: “The first was intercepted and the second fell due to a technical problem.”

2,500 American soldiers in Iraq

The Ain al-Assad base, that of al-Harir in northern Iraq and a military camp near Baghdad airport have been the target of five attacks since Wednesday. These bases house American and coalition soldiers. About 2,500 American soldiers and a thousand soldiers from other coalition member countries are now stationed at Iraqi military bases.

In recent days, factions loyal to Iran, which supports Hamas and does not recognize the State of Israel, have increased their threats against the United States. One of them, the Hezbollah Brigades, called on Americans to “leave Iraq” “or they will taste the fire of hell.”