New beginnings for Mr.Cash

The beginning of the year represents a new beginning for Josué Carrión, known as Mr. Cash, who makes his professional debut, remains confident that his father's health will improve and is not closing the door on a return to television.

Carrión affirms that he welcomes 2024 “with new vigor, new strength and with a new Josué Carrión and a new Mr. Cash”.

“I am a renewed person who comes with great enthusiasm for the not so good and good experiences that I have had. I come this year to learn from them and be a better person. The experience helped me achieve this. God gave me the strength to be the person I am. “He guides me and puts everything in order to make 2024 a success and bigger than anyone can imagine,” said the entertainer.

Carrión became certified as a real estate agent in the state of Florida in December, so his mission to continue helping others continues. After quitting his job in television, he was looking for new horizons and since he had always been interested in the subject of buying and selling, he began to prepare for this field.


Josué Carrión, known as Mr. Cash, asked for blood donors for his father Jesús Carrión, an Alzheimer's patient who is in this…

“Looking for diversification and the opportunity to do other types of business seemed great to me. I got motivated, took the course, started studying hard… I took a short break because dad's thing happened and I had to go to Puerto Rico,” Carrión explained.

He took the licensing exam at the University of Florida and passed it in one attempt. He assures that overcoming this professional challenge was very difficult due to the “storms” that occurred along the way. However, his faith in God was enough to keep him standing and not be deposed.

Carrión doesn't rule out making it in this industry in Puerto Rico, but for now he will focus on developing with real estate agency Resource One Realty in the Sunshine State, the second most lucrative market in the entire United States. to New York.

I miss television

On the other hand, the presenter has not returned to work on local television after leaving TeleOnce, but assures that his new role as a real estate agent does not mean giving up his career as a communicator.

“God works in an orderly way, I know the things that happened are for a purpose. When you look back, there is a doctrine, a purpose, and an order, and it is not the order you want. The doors are still open. I have very good relationships with the WAPA executives, we continue to talk and they know I have a passion for television, but they also trust my professional plans and what's next. What if it can arise? Well, of course,” he said of a return to television.

Carrión debuted at the age of 12 on Telemundo, in the chocolate segment Operación of Súper Sábados. From 2007 to 2010 he was part of Qué Suerte at Univisión Puerto Rico. In the same year he joined Pégate al Mediodia from Wapa for three years before commanding El Tiempo es oro, also from Wapa. He then headed Sales de Oro at Mega TV until 2016. He left TeleOnce in August 2022, months after starting at the station.

Improves your father's health

This year, Carrión aims to further improve the health of his father, Jésus Carrión, who jumped from the balcony of his apartment in August last year and subsequently had to undergo surgery on his pelvis, bladder and lungs.

Don Jesús has been in recovery for several months and is receiving the help of a medical professional who is also helping him with his Alzheimer's disease.

“He is now in good hands 24/7 and that is a relief for my mother. He also does physiotherapy and they help him with his movements, which heals his ulcers, because he got a very bad ulcer from being confined to bed for a long time. Now we have problems because he stops eating. The helper who is at his side all day ensures that he doesn't stop eating. Despite everything, the situation has improved significantly,” said Carrión.

The host expressed that he never imagined seeing his father battling Alzheimer's, but he says he is “happy with how I have treated him in life to date.”

“Let it be the will of God. Sooner or later we will all reach a point, but the most important thing is to trust in God, that dying in God is a gain,” he stressed.


Josué Carrión, better known as Mr. Cash, held on to his faith yesterday after the clinical condition of his father, Jesús Ca, remained uncertain…