New collection of poems by Franklin Gómez

Dominican poet Franklin Gómez has just published On Love and Resilience: Poems for Survival, a volume that uses metaphorical language to sing the praises of love from a classical perspective.

Fraklin Gómez is a young poet who becomes acquainted with this series of verses that contain heavily assimilated influences from previous literary movements. With them he forms his own voice, which is rooted and secure.

Published in the United States, the book is read continuously, without thematic subdivisions, and raises elements related to his affective feelings, love, daily life and personal experiences.

Below we reproduce one of his texts.

I try to think of the inevitable

to anticipate predicted surprises,

and make infinite suffering smaller

Of things that will one day disappear forever.

Leave me a bundle of meat

with dry eyes and withered hands,

Search the air for forbidden bliss

of loves that were and will be no more.

I invent reasons to console myself

in front of an empty chair

to a silent phone and melancholy

that lives in the shadow of solitude.

And I tell myself that everything ends

that the end of life is the most natural

that the memory numbs the wound a little

and helps the soul not to cry too much.

Franklin Gomez