New Dinho dos Mamonas Assassinas points out similarities between them

“New” Dinho dos Mamonas Assassinas points out similarities between them and talks about the new tour extra

Irreverent lyrics, unusual dances, a mix of genres (from metal to forró, including pagoda) and a lot of charisma characterized Mamonas Assassinas’ short path through music. Between mid1995 and March 1996 there were a few months of meteoric success, but enough to immortalize the band in fans’ memories forever. 27 years after the plane tragedy that killed Dinho, Júlio Rasec, Bento Hinoto, Samuel Reoli and Sérgio Reoli, a new formation takes the stage and brings the group back on stage in honor of their original members accompanied by the famous Brasilia Amarela, the same as back then.

  • Reformation: the group Mamonas Assassinas returns to the stage on tour; Compare the members
  • Romantic couple: See who is the influencer chosen to play Dinho’s girlfriend in the movie Mamonas Assassinas.

The band Mamonas Assassinas returns to the stage with a new lineup

Mamonas Assassinas return to the stage with a new cast  Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure Mamonas Assassinas return to the stage with a new cast  Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure 1 out of 9
Mamonas Assassinas return to the stage with a new cast Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure Mamonas Assassinas enter the stage in a new formation  Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure Mamonas Assassinas enter the stage in a new formation  Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure 2 out of 9
Mamonas Assassinas enter the stage in a new formation Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure Mamonas Assassinas enter the stage in a new formation  Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure Mamonas Assassinas enter the stage in a new formation  Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure 3 out of 9
Mamonas Assassinas enter the stage in a new formation Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure Ruy Brissac, 34, played Dinho  who was 24 when he died  also in a musical at the theater  Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure 4 out of 9
Ruy Brissac, 34, played Dinho who was 24 when he died also in a musical at the theater Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure Rhener Freitas, 27, now honors drummer Sérgio Reoli, who was 26 when he died  Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure 5 out of 9
Rhener Freitas, 27, now honors drummer Sérgio Reoli, who was 26 when he died Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure The surname does not deny it: Beto Hinoto, 25, revives his uncle, the guitarist Bento Hinoto, who died at the age of 26 on stage  Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure 6 out of 9
The surname does not deny it: Beto Hinoto, 25, revives his uncle, the guitarist Bento Hinoto, who died at the age of 26 on stage Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure Bassist Samuel Reoli Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure” src=”×0/smart/filters:strip_icc()/ AUTH_1f551ea7087a47f39ead75f64041559a/internal_photos/bs/2023/T/j/4nibzJS4255vBgHaZU6g/mamonasassassinas7.jpg” loading=”lazy” height=”5184″ width=”3456″/> 7 of 9
In the new formation, Adriano Tunes, 38, plays bassist Samuel Reoli, who died at the age of 22 Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure Nelson Bonfim, 34, believes he is not only physically similar to keyboardist Júlio Rasec, who was 28 at the time of the accident  Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure 8 out of 9
Nelson Bonfim, 34, believes he is not only physically similar to keyboardist Júlio Rasec, who was 28 at the time of the accident Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure Mamonas Assassinas return to the stage with a new cast  Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure 9 out of 9
Mamonas Assassinas return to the stage with a new cast Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure

Set tours in homage to the original band

The tour begins this Saturday (20) in Salvador, Bahia. It then crosses other cities, including Rio on June 21, and countries such as Portugal and the United States. In the repertoire are “Pelados em Santos”, “Chopis centis”, “1406”, “Bois d’ont cry”, “Vira vira” and many others.

No playback on stage. They sing and play for real. Ruy Brissac plays Dinho; Beto Hinoto resurrects his uncle, guitarist Bento Hinoto, on stage; Rhener Freitas replaces drummer Sérgio; Adriano Tunes, via bassist Samuel; and music producer Nelson Bonfim honors keyboardist Júlio Rasec. They all can also be seen in the film Mamonas Assassinas: o imposibidad não existent, which will be released in cinemas in 2024.

2 of 3 Mamonas Assassinas return to the stage with a new cast Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure

Mamonas Assassinas return to the stage with a new cast Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure

As the singer’s interpreter, Ruy also impersonated him in the theater show “O Musical Mamonas” between 2016 and 2017, where he was commissioned to also play the singer in the feature film.

— It’s an honor to play Dinho in different ways. I’m very similar to him in my life, making jokes and believing in dreams. I identify a lot! I never tried to copy him, but to convey his energy says Ruy.

Despite physically resembling the Mamonas’ late lead singer, Ruy says he feels no pressure to be just like him. Still, the artist recognizes that there has been public opposition to the new project using the original band’s names and attributes.

— People mess it up in the end, but I believe in my personality. I don’t get involved too much. We are already very similar, if I go against it, we end up suffering. Many did not understand. Cover bands that already existed thought we wanted to take their place, but that’s a different task. There is room for everyone. To relive the boys’ story and bring back that joy is very nice judges Ruy.

Nelson, the “new” Júlio Rasec, guarantees that the original keyboardist’s family had no problem interpreting him, and explains that the similarities between them go beyond onstage mannerisms:

“I never rehearsed anything about his behavior. Everything happened naturally. For example, I’m very techsavvy, just like Júlio.

3 of 3 Nelson Bonfim, 34, believes he is not only physically similar to keyboardist Júlio Rasec, who was 28 at the time of the accident Photo: Bruno Billi/Disclosure

Nelson Bonfim, 34, believes he is not only physically similar to keyboardist Júlio Rasec, who was 28 at the time of the accident Photo: Bruno Billi/ Disclosure

According to Nelson, the current lineup is just as wellmatched as the original, both on and offstage.

— I’m very similar to Julio in that I’m also introspective. I do this work with a lot of respect and affection says the musician.