New explosion in Crimea Russia blames Ukraine BR24

New explosion in Crimea: Russia blames Ukraine BR24

Zelenskyy: The Crimean bridge must be “neutralized”.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has made no secret of the fact that he is targeting the Crimean Bridge: it must be “neutralized”, he said in a video link on Friday at the Security Policy Forum in the US mountain town of Aspen.

According to Zelenskyy, the bridge from Crimea to mainland Russia is a “hostile object” built in violation of international law.

Ukrainian counter-offensive also aims to liberate Crimea

In early June, the Ukrainian army launched its counter-offensive to recapture areas occupied by Moscow. Zelenskyy also declared a goal of bringing Crimea, which Russia annexed in 2014, back under Ukrainian control. On Friday, the Ukrainian president stressed that the aim was to retake “all of Crimea”: “This is our sovereign state and our sovereign territory is part of this state.”

Deutsche Welle camera operator injured in Donbass

In the Russian-occupied Donbass region, a Deutsche Welle (DW) team came under fire from Russian artillery on Saturday. As the foreign broadcaster announced, a cameraman was injured “by shrapnel from Russian cluster munitions”. He was treated at a Ukrainian hospital and is in stable condition.

DW Director General Peter Limbourg was relieved and emphasized: “Journalists risk their lives every day to report on the Russian war of aggression. I have the utmost respect and thanks to them.”

Moscow blames the West for journalists’ deaths

Moscow, for its part, blamed the West for the death of a Russian journalist in Ukraine. The Foreign Ministry in Moscow said the attack was a “premeditated and heinous crime” committed by Ukraine and its Western backers. Announced a “response” to this attack.

The Russian army had previously announced that Rostislav Zhuravlev, a reporter working for the Russian state news agency Ria Novosti, had been killed in a Ukrainian attack in the Zaporizhia region of southern Ukraine. According to Ria Nowosti, three other journalists were injured. The Russian military accused Ukraine of using cluster munitions in the attack.