New gas pipeline in Italy in which regions it could

New gas pipeline in Italy, in which regions it could end

Contrary to what we would all think after the election result on Sunday 25th September, these are very complicated days for us Giorgia Meloni. The leader of the Fratelli d’Italia, who emerged from the vote as the only major winner of the Italian political consultations, is now unanimously next in line prime ministeralthough the order may not arrive before the second half of October.

In the time that separates her from the confidence of Parliament and from the official investiture she will receive from the head of state, the new prime minister in pectore will have a lot to deal with urgent matters of great importance avoid a economic collapse of households and businesses. First of all, the question linked love bills: while energy price It looks set to hit record levels by the end of the year, the latest news on the Gas deliveries to Italy You’ll add another headache to the next executive’s table.

Gazprom frees supplies for Italy: a new gas pipeline is coming to our country

Sharpening an image that had already taken on dramatic contours over the summer months was the announcement of Gazpromthe Russian multinational that monopolized the system for decades Gas deliveries to Europe. The decision to zero out our country’s methane supply prompted the outgoing government, led by Mario Draghi to find alternative solutions and has been concluding new trade agreements for some time, particularly with Algeria and Azerbaijan.

But the replacement of Russia as the first partner for the gas purchase it’s not something that can happen overnight without having any repercussions. Suffice it to say that in 2021 alone, the Kremlin supplied Italy with Ben 29 billion cubic metersequal to one mole of gas 38% of our total needs in a year. This means that the former ECB chief’s new deals will still not be enough to guarantee a bright future for the Italians. Millions of families and thousands of businesses are at risk of facing what promises to be one of the most complicated winters in our recent history.

Dear bills, the challenges of the new government: in which regions will the last Italian gas pipeline run?

For this reason, Giorgia Meloni’s team is working to understand how to move at the front internal deliveries. One of the first things the new government must do immediately after taking office at Palazzo Chigi is to give the green light Compression station Sulmona (Municipality of Abruzzo in the province of L’Aquila). A plant that allows you to give gas arriving in Melendugno in Puglia towards northern Italy, orphaned by the supplies that came from Moscow to Tarvisio in Friuli Venezia Giulia.

After receiving the environmental impact assessment in 2018, the work should be fully completed not until 2030for which the manager Snam (the National Pipeline Company) planned to spend approx two billion euros to anticipate the construction of all infrastructure by 2027. Alla Sulmona power station Three gas pipelines will be connected, which will send methane to the entire national territory, for a total 443 kilometers long. The routes will be these between Sulmona and Foligno (Province of Perugia, in Umbia), between Foligno and Sestino (Tuscan town in the province of Arezzo) and finally between Sestino and Minerbioa place in the metropolis of Bologna.