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New strategy aims to improve the capacities of MSMEs in Colombia

The strategy, launched together with the company Colombia Productiva, envisages providing financing to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and other production units to provide them with technical support, training and access to digital and complementary tools.

All this, the ministry's statement says, with the aim of preparing them for the necessary conditions to improve their conditions as suppliers and to be part of local, regional and global value chains.

The Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism, Germán Umaña, explained that the private sector has a fundamental role in the implementation of this strategy, which consists of 14 specialized programs and services that will bring together almost 80 national, foreign and state anchor companies. , so that they work in a chain with MSMEs and suppliers' production units.

He noted that in this way, Colombia is expected to increase its participation in global value chains.”

According to Aurelio Mejía, general manager of Colombia Productiva, who will coordinate this strategy, although MSMEs contribute 67 percent of employment, they only contribute 28 percent of gross domestic product, which is still below the average contribution of the same companies to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and development, which is 50 percent.

For this reason, he added, it is necessary to help them overcome the problems that prevent them from establishing contacts and reaching more agreements with companies involved in production value chains within and outside the country .

The project will have a network of chain consultants consisting of 150 consultants who will receive training and certification to accompany MSMEs and manufacturing units of the various strategic programs, it was also reported.
