The Secretary General of the FMC holds a meeting with

New US maneuver to exclude Cuba from the Human Rights Council › World › uncovered

The US is funding a project through the NED against Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Bolivia, Washington sources told Basque political scientist Katu Arkonada, who has been an adviser to the Deputy Department of Strategic Planning’s constitutional development legal department and the State Department of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.

The revelations made via Twitter indicate that the specific project for Cuba is called #IslaPrisión and aims to exclude Cuba from the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Her main sponsor in the Cuban case is Orlando Gutiérrez Boronat, leader of the Miami-based terrorist organization Cuban Democratic Directorate, who is remembered for publicly calling for US military intervention in Cuba. It is also a channel for the well-known anti-Cuban lobby, the Cuban-American National Foundation.

The researcher points out that the funding the board received from the NED in 2021 was $650,000.

According to Arkonada, the central idea of ​​the #PrisonIsland plan is the condemnation of Cuba at the UN Human Rights Council, which will take place in Geneva on Tuesday, April 19. But Gutiérrez Boronat and other members of the most violent sector of the Mayan extreme right are already in Switzerland, he wrote.

“Alongside a media campaign, manipulated audiovisual materials about the riots in Cuba on July 11 and 12, 2021 are to be shown in Geneva, with testimonies from relatives of people arrested and convicted of violent crimes.

“Following the media offensive and the Human Rights Council, there is pressure from some foreign ministries and the European Parliament to join the US “final solution”. They are trying to expel Cuba, but also to finalize the cooperation agreements between Cuba and the European Union,” he added.

Arkonada also drew attention to the fact that “if it is already hypocrisy for the United States and Saudi Arabia to exclude Russia from the Human Rights Council, it seems even more immoral to give a voice and vote to the same organizations that support military intervention in Cuba.” support but do not condemn torture at the illegal US base at Guantanamo.

He also stressed that the decline of imperialism is a reality, but as the multipolar world consolidates, democracy is waning and interference is intensifying.

The political scientist denounced that this campaign was also part of a clean-up strategy for the recent vote against Russia’s withdrawal from the Human Rights Council.

The human rights commission is being used as a political weapon, today against Russia or Cuba, tomorrow against any country considered “dangerous”, concluded the expert.

Katu Arkonada writes regularly for La Jornada, Gara and Le Monde Diplomatique. He is a member of the network of intellectuals, artists and social movements in defense of humanity.