New Year celebrations Quebec residents urged to exercise caution

New Year celebrations | Quebec residents urged to exercise caution to curb virus transmission –

(Montreal) The Government of Quebec is urging the population to exercise caution during this period of New Year's celebrations to limit virus transmission and thus avoid an even greater burden on the health network.

Posted at 7:42 am.


Since Boxing Day, the situation in several hospitals in the province remains critical. According to Index Santé's website, the average occupancy rate for emergency rooms across Quebec was 118% as of Sunday morning.

Of Quebec's 15 regions, 11 had occupancy above 100%, including some of the most populous. The highest average rate was 165% in Lanaudière, followed by the Laurentians (153%), where each of the six emergencies was overcrowded.

The Department of Health and Human Services (MSSS) warns that respiratory viruses such as COVID-19, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza “are still circulating in abundance.” […] which increases the number of hospitalizations.”

“The peak of virus circulation has not yet been reached,” he said in a statement on Saturday.

In a context where numerous gatherings are planned to celebrate the beginning of 2024, Quebec is calling on the population to adopt certain behaviors to prevent and reduce virus transmission.

The MSSS reminds that if you have a fever, it is better to stay at home and limit your activities. If symptoms are present, wearing a mask should be preferred and contact with people at risk should be avoided.

Covering your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing and washing your hands regularly also continue to be good hygiene and respiratory etiquette measures, the government said.

For non-emergency health concerns, the MSSS asks you to contact non-emergency services. The ministry reiterates that “a large proportion of patients who visit the emergency department do not need to go there”.

“Examples seen daily in emergencies include sore throat, mild cough, gastroenteritis (without signs of significant dehydration) and symptoms of urinary tract infection,” he lists.

Although the wait time may be longer than normal, MSSS says the 811 phone line is preferred for non-urgent healthcare needs, as well as the digital First Line Access Counter (GAP).

However, the latter stipulates that you should never hesitate to go to the emergency room for any health situation that requires immediate treatment.