New Year39s celebrations 37 ambulances in Sherbrooke La Tribune

New Year's celebrations: 37 ambulances in Sherbrooke – La Tribune

The SPS lieutenant on duty explained on Monday morning that the emergency call center had registered 77 calls between midnight and 8 a.m. He mentions that the 37 patient transports mainly affected people who had consumed too much alcohol.

“77 calls in eight hours is a lot. “That’s more than normal,” explains the lieutenant.

Driving drunk

One of the five people arrested for drunk driving had a blood alcohol level of 280 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood, the SPS said. “His front tire burst. He drove on the rim. He’s a young man in his twenties.”

People who were arrested for impaired driving had their driver's license revoked for one to three months. “The one who screwed up 280 [mg] loses his driver's license for 90 days and the impoundment of the vehicle for 30 days.

The people who were arrested under municipal regulations were “highly intoxicated and caused a disturbance,” the police emphasize.

“They were arrested and held in cells. We released them briefly while they were sober,” the lieutenant added.

He explains that despite everything, “fortunately” there were no serious accidents.