New York turns South Brooklyn Marine Terminal into a center for wind farm parts

Artistic depiction of the future marine terminal in South Brooklyn, turned into a major center for the construction of wind turbines.

The artist presents with the kind assistance of Equinor

Map showing the location of future wind turbines, the Empire Wind and Beacon Wind projects.

The map is provided by Equinor

Artistic depiction of the future marine terminal in South Brooklyn, equipped to process large components for offshore wind turbines.

To do the job, New York City Economic Development Corporation and Equinor will train local community members.

“This site will be the launch of an entirely new industry for New York that will support 13,000 local jobs over time, generate $ 1.3 billion in average annual investment across the city and significantly reduce our carbon footprint.” so that we can achieve our climate goals of 100 percent clean electricity by 2040, “Adams said in a statement announcing the deal.

“This is a transformative moment for New York and our future for clean energy – a future of sustainable energy, well-paid jobs and climate justice,” Adams said.

The new port aims to provide 30% employment to its subcontractors from minority and women-owned subcontractors based and registered in New York or New York State, according to a statement issued for the plan.

The state of New York and New York have committed to receiving 70% of their electricity from renewable sources, such as wind and solar, by 2030.