Next step for the US elections caucuses in the state

Next step for the US elections: caucuses in the state of New Hampshire G1

1 of 1 Donald Trump, Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis Photo: Portal Donald Trump, Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis Photo: Portal

The second phase of the process of selecting a Republican Party candidate for President of the United States will take place on January 23 in the state of New Hampshire.

The winner of the primary caucuses in the state of Iowa was Donald Trump, who took first place by more than 30% over second place. Two candidates dropped out of the race after the results were announced.

Voting in New Hampshire is expected to be more competitive.

What will the selection mechanism look like?

One of the features of elections in the United States is that each state has its own rules. In the state of New Hampshire, primaries are decided by ballot.

The winner of this round will receive the vote of 22 delegates in the Electoral College it is estimated that 1,215 delegates are needed to win the Republican Party primary.

Although New Hampshire does not have a large number of delegates, it is traditionally an important state for US elections as it is one of the first states to hold caucuses.

Trump wins the Republican Party's first caucus

Which candidates are in the running?

  • Donald Trump, former President of the USA.
  • Ron DeSantis, Governor of the State of Florida.
  • Nikki Haley, former US Ambassador to the United Nations.

Donald Trump is leading the polls. According to the 538 website, he is expected to have 43% of the vote. Nikki Haley is second at 30% and DeSantis is at 6%.

New Hampshire has a reputation for being a place with more moderate voters. Additionally, the state's Republican Party primaries are open to voters registered with other parties. This tends to benefit politicians who are seen as more centrist.

How important is this vote?

For most political analysts, this is Trump's opponent's best chance of defeating him.

Nikki Haley gained some momentum in the state polls. If she doesn't do well, Trump will increase his lead.