Nicaraguans celebrated 17 years of free education

Nicaraguans celebrated 17 years of free education

Teachers and students took part in a colorful anniversary caravan here this Thursday, in which those present highlighted the development of the sector during this second phase of the Sandinista revolution, which began in 2007 and was led by President Daniel Ortega.

In press statements, the Director General of Secondary Education, Melba López, highlighted the changes in this sector of the country in the last 17 years and reiterated that Nicaragua has a consolidated and humane education system.

López added that one hundred percent of schools have educational technology, children are better covered in early education and empiricism has decreased.

“Mathematics arrives in a friendlier way with the Nicamate project, which is already installed in secondary school and we are progressing in primary school, having children with the first generation in English, textbooks ready and now with more than 800 teachers we are daring to Path to a technical career,” he emphasized.

Referring to rural education, he mentioned the more than 80,000 students enrolled until last year in these educational centers, which have a productive educational program that has roots in the community with an interagency alliance of the National Education Commission strengthens.

Education is one of the priority areas for the Sandinista Executive, which also guarantees school snacks every year to contribute and improve the nutrition of children and young people at different educational levels.
