Nickel not nickel at all for Chinese speculator losing billions of dollars

“Raw material prices jumped after the war in Ukraine. This is the case of nickel that peaked at over $100,000 per ton. On Tuesday, the London Metal Exchange suspended nickel trading to calm the storm. According to Bloomberg, the situation hit Chinese nickel tycoon Xiang Guanda hard.

The “big shot,” as he is known in financial circles, has been in high positions in nickel for several months, betting on the fall in the price of this silvery metal used to make stainless steel and batteries for electric vehicles. Faced with rising demand due to electric vehicles, the price has already risen by more than 30% in 2019, 20% in 2020 and then 25% in 2021.

But bad luck, its price has tripled in two days, a level that has not been seen in 145 years, when the institution was born. The escalation of the conflict in Ukraine and the prospects for sanctions against Russian raw materials are in question. Russia is the third largest nickel producer in the world with 13% of mining capacity in 2021 after Indonesia and the Philippines.

By making a mistake in strategy, Xiang Guangda, head of Tsingshan, the Chinese nickel giant, is causing his company to lose billions of dollars. He is also dragging his broker, China Construction Bank, who has received a reprieve from the London Metal Exchange to try to minimize the damage.

In the image it gives this…

When you short sell, that is, you sell today at today’s price, a product that you do not yet own and that you will have to buy later in order to be able to deliver what you have sold, you are bound at the time of the contract. contract for the supply of the quantity sold. So you have to “buy” by all means what you don’t have!

In this case, prices soar, and it is usually in this situation that the “financiers” can go bankrupt.

Speculation is always risky.

Charles SANNAT

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